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there are two "else"'s too much, the if-conditional accepts one "else" only. which values are assigned to the variable loves? if its ranging from 1 to 4, then you can use a switch/case, if its a wider...
you might want to be able to determine which playerid a vehicle belongs to... Код: new VehicleIDOwner[2000]; ...and also using a /lock command on a vehicle, retrieved by the playerid: Код: new...
afaik, filterscripts' stuff gets called before the gamemode ('s commands, f.ex). this way any filterscript could stop processing commands. the way i would proceed, is to load all filterscripts, and se...
since only 1 checkpoint can be shown at a time, the streamer decides which one is closest to a player, regardless of other checkpoints having a far higher stream distance, which you seem to use as "pr...
it might be a good hint if you provide some information on how the algorithm should react if f.ex. 2 or more players share the same "highest" kill score. shall they all get a reward? or only the first...
try this: Код: "[%04i/%02i/%02i @ %02i:%02i:%02i]:
SAMP doesn't support mods, so before this thread gets closed, let me give you a hint on how to do some post-changes to any mods (iam using new great effects + ENB series), or more specifically, moddin...
this topic has been discussed already, and it was a clear "no". once having a clientsided key-detection running, it could be abused to fish passwords by some individuals.
my long answer is YES, you COULD use 2 different streamers, but keep in mind that each streamer is supposed not to mess up the objects' amount, i.e. not try to stream more objects than the client can ...
just in case you want to prevent the warning when compiling other scripts which dont include yout MAX_PLAYERS re-definition: add Код: -S8192 in your compiler run options.
Tom & Jerry, Simpsons, Drawn Together, La Linea, Mr. Rossi, Popeye, Flintstones, Ducktales, Gilligans Island, Danger Mouse, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines... do Happy Tree Friends ...
since a line of text in a dialog as selectable items is limited to like 20-30 characters, i would assume YES you wont hit the limie of a "long line". as long your text reading function parses each li...
yes. the result will be a number from 0 to n-1 (inclusive), therefore the 5 is omitted. it might help to take the parameter as a modulus operator for easy remembering
did you check for the filename being the *exact* same as in your script? linux is case-sensitive, that means: "Bus" is not "bus".
another idea: -start the SAMP Map editor tool -set the camera as desired -using 2 screens, you can maximise the window -increase the draw distance (editor, this will take a long time to render, raise ...
$10,000 and we have a deal. but seriously.. you want to clone CB CnR? do you have anything prepared like positions for: 3000 houses, 100 weapon+money+adpill+cs pickups, 100's of moneyrushes, 50 sorts...
you forgot a semicolon ; after Код: new String[ 128 ]
make sure you're using the proper version - the fcnpc got compiled several times already, each one using different adresses. the latest "original" is for SAMP 0.3xR2 with some new callbacks, and works...