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Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Yet it's stated that those versions will be amalgamated so your concern is ill-placed. It's like all those who are running 0.3d, where everyone is ru...
This will bring a similar problem to Kalcor feared a while ago about SA-MP's open source. Different versions of SA-MP will end up in a divided community. And it seems that he wants is just that.
Код: mysql_query(zMySQL, "SELECT * FROM `houses` ORDER BY `ID` ASC",true); new h = cache_num_rows()+1; printf("%d", h); However, the correct way to do this is to create an AUTO_INCREMENT field or...
Use a textdraw creator (of Zamaroth or iPleomax) for desing.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor If we can return to quality over quantity it should still be a decent game. Aleluya
Quote: Originally Posted by Paulice If you haven't noticed already, actions/decisions here are usually always final. If you want a piece of advice, acknowledge that the section won't make ...
It really does not matter to me if it is or not. I defend myself well with English and I don't need much help, I have my university teachers to give me a hand in my programming problems.. I'm indignan...
A long time ago we requests for a moderator and they did not place it. It seems to me that they simply lost interest in the Spanish-speaking community and decided to let it die little by little.
descarga la ъltima versiуn del plugin MySQL y listo (reemplaza todos los archivos)
Mi pana la consulta la armaste en la variable 'querystr' y estбs enviando la consulta con lo que tienes en tu variable auxiliar ('str') solamente. Debes enviar la consulta que tienes en 'querystr'.
Quй carajos habla Kaponi xD
Код: new bool:_@CODIsActive; public OnFilterScriptInit() { _@CODIsActive = false; for(new i = 1, j = GetVehiclePoolSize(); i <= j; i++) { if(GetVehicleModel(i) == 425 || Ge...
Ah, debes cambiar es el modo de juego. Busca Whirlpool pawn samp y te saldrб para descargar el plugin, lo pones en la carpeta plugins del servidor sa-mp y en el GM pones abajo de los includes: КÐ...
Y por quй no usas Whirlpool en el PCU tambiйn?
Tanto leer esa verga y hasta ahora me entero de que incluyeron tal funciуn. Gracias!
Resulta que tengo dos tablas, la principal de usuarios y otra que guardas otros datos del propio usuario. Pues, lo que intento hacer es que, con 1 consulta extraer todos los datos de las dos (o mбs)...
Ni la buena intenciуn harб que Dios te perdone esto
Lo primero que se me ocurre es actualizar la posiciуn a dуnde deberнa estar el actor cada vez que se llame OnActorStreamIn... o usar un timer para devolverlos a su posiciуn cada vez. O quizбs hay...
lee bien la wiki entonces porque estбs usando las funciones mal.