03.09.2017, 23:43
Buenas... otra vez yo xd, estoy editando y probando la GM de Optimus V3 y probй de mil maneras para guardar los accesorios y no me deja, me tirar error.
Aquн el log.
y acб el script de guardar los accesorios.
Aquн el log.
[03/09/2017 20:15:37] [CMD] Steven_Dominguez: /accesorios [03/09/2017 20:15:55] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:15:57] - Cuentas actualizadas: [1 CUENTAS | TIEMPO: 2 MS | 1 JUGADORES] [03/09/2017 20:16:00] [CMD] Steven_Dominguez: /actualizar archivos [03/09/2017 20:16:05] - Todos los archivos de configuraciуn actualizados. [Steven_Dominguez | TIEMPO: 1792 MS] [03/09/2017 20:16:05] [CMD] Steven_Dominguez: /actualizararchivos [03/09/2017 20:16:05] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:16:05] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:16:05] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:16:05] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:16:05] MYSQL - ERRORID: 1064 Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez'' at line 1 Query: WHERE `Nombre` = 'Steven_Dominguez' Callback: OnQueryFinish [03/09/2017 20:16:06] [chat] [Steven_Dominguez]: asd [03/09/2017 20:17:59] [CMD] Steven_Dominguez: /actualizarcuentas [03/09/2017 20:18:06] [chat] [Steven_Dominguez]: asd [03/09/2017 20:18:09] [part] Steven_Dominguez has left the server (2:1) [03/09/2017 20:18:35] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2 [03/09/2017 20:18:36] [join] Steven_Dominguez has joined the server (2: [03/09/2017 20:18:49] - Cuenta cargada ('Steven_Dominguez' - 3 ms). [03/09/2017 20:18:56] [CMD] Steven_Dominguez: /accesorios [03/09/2017 20:19:00] [part] Steven_Dominguez has left the server (2:1)
stock ActualizarAccesorios(playerid, slot=-1) { if(slot == -1) { Loop(i, MAX_ACCESORIOS, 0) { ActualizarAccesorios(playerid, i); } } else if(slot > -1 && slot < MAX_ACCESORIOS) { new querystr [200] = "UPDATE `usuarios` SET ", str [50]; A_Format (str, "`AttachModel_%d` = %d,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachModel][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachBone_%d` = %d,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachModel][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachPosx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosx][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachPosy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosy][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachPosz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachPosz][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachAngx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngx][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachAngy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngy][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachAngz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachAngz][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachEscx_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscx][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachEscy_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscy][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachEscz_%d` = %f,", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachEscz][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "`AttachOcultado_%d` = %d ", slot, InfoJugador[playerid][jAttachOcultado][slot]); strcat (querystr, str); A_Format (str, "WHERE `Nombre` = '%s'", pName (playerid)); strcat (querystr, str); opmysql_tquery(str, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", playerid, query_type_unknown); } return 1; }