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Not sure about "ever", but I reeeeeeeally really love Apex.
I have thought about streaming the process of me learning to script, but I work on an existing script which I wouldn't want to make public by showing the code on stream so I'm not sure how I would do ...
Quote: Originally Posted by DTV Too many people working on the same thing lmao, why is br still popular? There is no such thing as too many people working on a similar concept! Competit...
Yeah I love it, looks much more modern and sleek
I'd love to see a well-coded and well-managed Battle Royale server
I honestly strongly disagree with Kalcor's statements about this forum not being a big part of SA-MP and that having a lot of posts here doesn't mean you've contributed anything to SA-MP. This was th...
Kalcor, no one expected you to want to run this forever, and it’s been pretty obvious for quite a while now that it has gotten old to you and you have moved on for the most part - and that’s fine....
Forgive my ignorance, but can it not be downgraded using the patch for the 2.0 version? I know our website states: "Version 2.0 of the DVD version can be downgraded to 1.0 using a third-party patch. ...
I'm actually dugi but my account name is bugged
nothing. my life stopped completely while the forum was down for one day. i couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, could barely breathe. i sat in silence, staring at my screen and refreshing the page over and ...
The amount of posts deleted is a direct correlation to the amount of useless crap posted
You only joined recently and you only have a few posts, you should just make a new account
I personally don't think a "unique" concept matters much anymore, because there have been so many that sounded so great when people proposed the ideas, but they were poorly executed and poorly managed...
I just wish we could go back to not having separate playerbases and let everyone access all servers
In my opinion they shouldn't be there in the main chat for admins to see while they are in game etc., but they should be logged and accessible through logs by senior staff.
Anything from KDST, but also most Pendulum songs because a bunch of us used to listen to them together while we played. Also memey stuff like rickroll and the trololo song haha
For me it's the fact that I'm much older and wiser now than I was when I was actively involved with SA-MP 5+ years ago or whatever. Now I've got more programming knowledge, more marketing experience, ...