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Does anyone think saints row can make a good comeback?
Quote: Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi Didn't know that mod didn't cover the entire map... Should hit those mod authors up so it's constant or you'll end up with a random discrepancy between...
Does anyone know a rp roadmap which includes fort carson and lv as i know ERP does not include this.
Do you think a server would work based on a chicago theme. I get that SA is based on LS, SF and lv.
Not sure if its possible but for name tags rather then showing a name it displays for example A67645 which would be the inmates number etc.
What is with people now a days thinking they can only make servers with other community scripts (Roleplay) 2ndly why is does everyone complain if you don't use ("Other community scripts") By other com...
Quote: Originally Posted by ISmokezU How are they encouraging it? Beats me on this one. Far as i see most of us are just asking questions on how it would work.
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack So I'm a clown, in a town, made for clowns. Not to mention that I will be a big fat clown, in that town, made for clowns. What would a fat clown, do ...
In all due respect it was worth it at certain times when GPM owned it.
A gamemode full of clowns seems legit? Will your admins be kiddie clowns also and ban people for noobish reasons?
Do you have to keep bumping your thread, someone will help you when they have time
You tried searching the forums for a fix?
Quote: Originally Posted by betta anyone its important What os are you running on
They made it 15 to combat spammers, accounts to signup to post etc.
If im correct the branches should be in this order right? 1. Supreme Court 2. Court of Appeal 3. Superior Court 4. District Court Ordered in highest to lowest, Also my rp server is set in california...
nice map, also if you get time can you define the vehicles for the less able people. Probs help them alot
yes, it be kill /car engine but it forces the engine off rather then on and off
does anyone know how to make a cmd called /killengine to stop cars