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Pokйmon Tales: Cursed Black - Printable Version

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Pokйmon Tales: Cursed Black - [MM]IKKE - 22.06.2012

Yo, one day later than promised but I couldn't do it yesterday But I also have good news - I find a new one, so there'll be an extra part!


Some of you might be familiar with Pokйmon, some won't. However, it's been a huge part of my childhood - we had a lot of fun with the series, the cards, the gameboy.

But, Pokйmon isn't just all about stuffed animals whom fight each other for fun. It has been, since its release, been a thread of haunted games, creepy stories and whatsoever. All of them are fake, but pretty enjoyable to read. I will tell it as if it is actually true - to increase reading pleasure, of course

I will explain you them in a serie of tales, consisting of 4 parts.

Part III: Cursed Black

The first two tales were about general creepy stuff in the game. Stuff Nintendo actually made themselves. This tale, and the next one, will not be about any of the original stuff. It is about two hacked cartridges.

Just like a lot of you learned PAWN nowadays, back in the days some people learned to edit and modify GameBoy cartridges. They modified their games to make it more fun, to get a new challenge, or just because they liked editing stuff. Most of these were generally bugged, and wouldn't work, but some were actually very well made. Some of these cartridges were sold, to share the experience of having a new game. Though, some people didn't just edit it for fun. Some people really did things with it which makes you think a lot.

For example, this one. Pokйmon Cursed Black. Completely unrelated to the Black & White series nowadays. It was a very well made modification on Pokйmon Red. You could already see it upon opening the game. The title itself was adjusted so it actually showed "Pokйmon Black". Notably, it did NOT show the Nidorino on loading the game. Or any other Pokйmon.

The game started just like any other Red Game: Prof. Oak doesn't remember your name, nor of his grandson, your adventure starts, you get to choose a Pokйmon. Though, one thing was different. As soon as you got your first Pokйmon, another Pokйmon would appear in your Pokйdex. A Pokйmon with name "GHOST". The same sprite as the ghosts which appear in Lavender Town before being able to see them. His only move was "Curse". This move wasn't an official move in Generation 1, by the way.

The story continued, and you could just play. Though, again, there was one big change to the game. If you battled using Ghost, defending Pokйmon were not able to attack you. They were "too scared to move". Then you used your only attack - Curse. Upon using this one, you heard the scream of the defending Pokйmon. It would disappear. The trainer you're fighting against lost one of his Pokйballs. It implied the Pokйmon died.

After finishing the fight - when you usually get the cash - the fight menu would not disappear. You could run away, and then the story just continues normally. Or you could Fight and use Curse again. If you did this, the trainer would disappear. There would be nothing more in the play world; his sprite vanished. Upon re-entering the area, a tombstone would appear on the place he was. The trainer also died.

You couldn't use Curse against trainers you would have to meet later in the story (your opponent, for instance). In the last battle against him, however, you could use it. He would then die. You also couldn't use it against other Ghost Pokйmon.

It made the game fairly easy to play.

A drastic change appeared though, after defeating the Elite Four. Instead of you being able to continue playing, it showed up "Many years later..." on your screen. It then faded back to Lavender Town, looking at thombstones. Your sprite was replaced by one of an older man, and it would only go half the speed as your "young" sprite could. It implied you grew old.

Ghost disappeared out of your Pokйdex. With all other Pokйmon. The world itself was empty; no people nor Pokйmon would ever appear. This of course limited your movement rate, as you couldn't surf, flash, fly nor cut. The music playing in all areas, was the Lavender Town song. The one with the ghost sprite in it, remember?

If you returned to Pallet Town and entered your own house, the screen cut to black. Pokйmon appeared on it. All the Pokйmon you used curse on. After that, all the trainers you killed using Ghost. The music slowed down.

Eventually, after seeing all the dead Pokйmon and people, the screen would again cut to black. Ghost appeared in your screen. This time as your opponent. Your sprite is that of an old man. You couldn't run. The only move you had, was struggle - which doesn't affect anything but your own health. Ghost did nothing.

Upon eventually reaching critical health, just above the 0, Ghost used Curse. The game cut to black. And didn't change. The only option you had is turning it off and on again. Your only choice: new game.

No matter how much Pokйmon you killed or how few. It would always happen the same way. Even if you never used Ghost in a fight.

The question? Who would possible put that much time into making this creepy edit? Was it just to scare people? Or was it to make you think about life, and death? Was it about how death is unavoidable in the end? Or just a morbid joke? I guess we'll never know.


A lot of people thought about this story. Also, some Computer Programmers. Two of them decided to remake the game. One for the GameBoyAdvance, with colors etc of the second generation. Which I therefore don't really like - the colors put too much joy in this morbid story. The other one is a stand-alone program. Someone made it on his own, and developped it for about one year, yet it is still quite buggy (if you open the menu for instance, it'll freeze).

GBA version:
Download link
Information and how-to

GBC version:
Download link
[ame= index=5&feature=plcp][VID] How it should look like[/ame]
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