Is it still worth it?

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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I'm pushing ahead with 0.3.9 and it won't have any downloading feature enabled.

DL will still be available here on the forum. Maybe I'll get around to fixing the breakable fences bug in DL one day.

If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.

For example, there are a few new skins floating around that could be added to the 0.3.9 installer.
fix gpci, add serial ban.
Add anti-cheat
We want see downloading feature in 0.3.9

Hello Kalcor! (thank you so much for making samp, my favorite mod)

I definitely want the versions to combine into 1 version
because as it is now the players are scattered and that means players are having less fun, right?

I have asked many people on a server im mapping on about 0.3.DL and they are all pleasantly surprised by what it can do,
the custom models are something they want,
some are even willing to start learning Blender just to be able to create custom models for the server.
To me its absolutely amazing how people are willing to learn 3d modelling for SAMP,
I myself am learning level design to better my own maps for SAMP.
Point is, people are so enthusiastic about this mod that they would use their time to learn something new,
so I know this mod is worth the effort.

However no one supports the idea of moving to 0.3.DL
when I mentioned the low player count due to 0.3.DL not being available as the main version here:

For custom models not being published enough on samp forums I know that one of the reasons for that is definitely:
-that modellers want to create models for their own server theyre passionate about, not necessarily everyone,
its the same way with my maps, I dont publish the codes to my maps on the samp forum
because im making it for the server im working on, not for everyone or for competitors to use xD.

On the topic of SAMP not being downloaded enough:
1. Gta sa not being bought wont prevent players from coming in samp, plenty of my friends got gta sa through torrents, some, like me got the cracked version back when me and my friends were kids and now buy GTA SA out of appreciation
not just for the game but SAMP itself, because many of them enjoyed/are enjoying it.
2. I dont think SAMP will die because of players going onto new games because
theres plenty of indie games that are played, flash games, ******** games (farmville, mafia wars) and older games like Tetris and Flappy bird, games that are generally not appreciated a lot but are still played a lot. Its true that all of those are more accessible but we can make samp more accessible by doing actions to do that (for example):
3. Our server will include a tutorial on how to download SAMP in each of its videos, we believe we will be able to get some players that way, I know thats not enough on its own to increase the amount of players playing on samp, but imagine if more samp servers do this...
If more did that then SAMP would definitely get more players,
your word holds a lot of weight and value behind it (if you dont believe me look at the view count on this thread),
if you asked samp servers to do this I bet a lot more of them would do this as well,
theres lots of other ways to improve SAMP, for example improving the advertisment board on the forum by including a format that samp server owners could follow to explain how fun their server is, organising it all so its all more efficient, more elegant to see...

Personally played this mod since 2010-11, im 23 now and I want to play this mod for as long as its possible, so many times Ive left SAMP only to return to it, the variety it offers with different gamemodes and the fun community in it, I love it, so I dont want it to stop evolving , im a mapper, if I can help in anyway ask me and Ill figure something out if its within my power.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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DL isn't going anywhere. You can stay on that version if you want.

Looking at the player numbers, it looks like adding custom content ultimately hurt rc-rp and ls-rp.
Sure, I can stay on 0.3.DL but if it eventually dies out completely I'd be forced to go back to 0.3.7, removing all of our custom content in the process. As it stands, I don't think the server would ever recover from having custom assets removed. The feature is basically embedded into the core of the server now. If I wanted to improve the longevity of my server by moving it back to 0.3.7, I'd basically be sending it to die regardless. There's no winning.

I disagree with the idea that custom content hurt RCRP and LSRP. I can't speak for what may be going on in LSRP, but custom content is very well received by my community and we've done a lot of awesome things with it. The obvious elephant in the room is that 0.3.DL is segregated from the rest of SA-MP. This wasn't a problem when I first moved to 0.3.DL, since the move came with the largest update the server had ever seen and there was a lot of hype surrounding it. However, what is immediately apparently is the large drop in the amount of new accounts being registered, even though our player counts peaked higher than the previous month. This dip happened as soon as we moved over to 0.3.DL in February 2018. Here's a list of new accounts being registered per month since 2012 -

If you really want to push forward with 0.3.9, include downloading in it. Otherwise, it'll probably be a waste of time. I doubt you'll see a lot of people moving to the new version unless there's a good reason to do so. Shuffling packets and whatnot probably won't do it for most people. Maybe I'll end up being wrong, who knows.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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I'm pushing ahead with 0.3.9 and it won't have any downloading feature enabled.

DL will still be available here on the forum. Maybe I'll get around to fixing the breakable fences bug in DL one day.

If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.

For example, there are a few new skins floating around that could be added to the 0.3.9 installer.
1. update SQLite to latest
2. fix bugs from previous versions
3. disable/ enable vehicle map icons
4. on screen text label that work like textdraw
5. on player hover text draw callback
6. per textdraw hover color
7. emoji support for game chat

You may not know this about ls-rp, but they haven't been on the server list for a very long time. DL is the first time in a long time they've come back to the list.

I don't know the precise reasons they're losing players, but I doubt it has anything to do with being segregated from the 0.3.7 list. I have to assume the whole DL thing isn't working out, and its time to reverse course.

In total, the real community of developers asks for the download function in the release, but those who threaten the samp are sitting on 0.3.7 and making money on it. it can be seen clearly in this topic. Oki...

Originally Posted by d0minic
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7. emoji support for game chat
I think this is too much, but all the previous are definitely worth to add.

Increase objects and 3dtexts limit.

A few that I like that are not scriptable as I know you hate scriptable suggestions!

Why has nobody addressed the elephant in the room? The server tab is messed up.

SetPlayerWayPoint, GetPlayerWayPoint
Coloured checkpoints
IsPlayerUsingJoypad (Scriptable but not 100% accurate).

Please bring back a more appealing hosted/official tab.

@Kalcor or anyone else.

Would it be possible to set a textures to a vehicle parts (doors, wheels, trunk) in future like we can do with objects ?

Kalcor, and what should I do on my server with a custom map? I was hoping that you and your return will combine 0.3.7 and 03DL in the new version 0.3.9. The bug with the animation of the breakdown is not terrible, the thing is scary that you are throwing the useful innovations 03DL. A huge number of users are asking for this, and among them I, who use the server on version 03DL. After the release of 039 without the possibility of loading models, the sa-mp 03.DL version will lose its audience even more. It is difficult for small projects to develop a project on the DL version, since most of the audience (due to large projects) uses the stable 037 version.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.
  • GetPlayerHudScaleFix - The function is needed to make an even textdraw for all players.
  • ToggleVehicleIconMinimap -
  • TogglePlayerHUDComponent
  • Ability to return 0 at OnVehicleDeath to prevent vehicle respawn.
  • Set/GetPlayerOxygenValue - to prevent cheating on infinite oxygen and make more opportunities
  • GetPlayerSurfingOffsets
  • GetPlayerQuaternion
  • GetPlayerSurfingPlayerObjectID
  • Set/GetPlayerFatigueValue - to prevent cheating on endless running and make more opportunities
  • Set/GetObjectSize
  • ToggleObjectCollision
  • ToggleActorCollision
  • ToggleActorControlable - it is necessary that the actors do not fall under the created objects
  • New dialog style DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX_HEADERS -
And fix old function:

I'm not throwing anything anyway. All I have to do to enable the downloading feature is flip a switch in the compiler.

I'm just not seeing the upside for sa-mp, releasing DL as the main version.

Instead of pointing the finger at me, why don't you guys take a look in the mirror? There are servers that have custom models and new skins, but they don't want other servers having access to them.

So you're fine with me adding new skins and new objects, but when it comes time to contribute something back, nothing. Thus the failure of DL.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.
Just repeating this not to have it be forgotten. These are the things that I have wanted the most for the recent years (now emphasized):

Originally Posted by IllidanS4
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  • Make "lights" in SetVehicleParamsEx work like "engine". 1 - permanently turned on, 0 - permanently turned off, -1 - depending on the environment (night, tunnels). Without having to use ManualVehicleEngineAndLights at all.
  • Increasing the object count to 2000 like it is in DL. Custom models or not, mapping is still popular and 1000 is too little. Since the code is already in DL, shouldn't be such an issue.
  • Make UsePlayerPedAnims per-player and changeable for anyone in the middle of the game.
  • DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions on a per-vehicle basis, and working on unoccupied vehicles as well. DisableObjectCollision would also come in handy.
  • An ability to revert the effect of a particular RemoveBuildingForPlayer (or all of them), and increasing the amount of these calls from 1000 (and without crashing the client). If the client reconnects, there should be a way of reverting these automatically, since when 501 buildings are removed and the client reconnects once, their game crashes.
  • "materialindex" in SetObjectMaterial and SetObjectMaterialText increased from 15, as there are objects with more than 16 material surfaces.
Now I'd also add two more things: 1) make SendClientCheck work like in DL (make it access the whole GTA memory) so cheats can be more accurately detected, and 2) include all point lights (coronas) in the installer with orange (FF8000) and cyan (00FFFF) colors, as these are currently missing. Mixing can be used to get these colors, but that makes them too bright/intense. Also the moon corona should be available in all colors.

I have specificly included only the additions that cannot be done without client modifications (as I can do the rest with YSF). If you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it (or to send you the corona models I would like to have).

Some other changes I would find welcome:
Originally Posted by Freaksken
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Please remove the "Widescreen = 0" and "Widescreen = 1" messages when toggeling widescreen
I have attached some of the models I had in mind to add when 0.3.8 was in development.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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There are servers that have custom models and new skins, but they don't want other servers having access to them.
Its what makes the server unique in their way.
LS-RP is losing its playerbase because its script/systems are stuck in 2010. Nothing new to see besides the skins and certain mappings.
RC-RP took it to the next level with custom objects, skins etc.

I'd love to see majority of LSRP players migrate to RCRP when they would acknowledge the SAMP's DL version potential.

Kalcor, i understand you about the fact that you are not ready to transfer the functionality to version 0.3.9. But I ask you very much, to transfer all innovations 0.3.9 to 0.3DL R2, as there are people who do not have the opportunity to completely abandon the user models. If you ignore this request, 03DL will be even less popular and backward from the main branch of sa-mp development.

People can design objects, and if they are well received by the community in the forum they are added in the next version and that's it. The competition with other games out there is fierce and if we want to compete with other much more advanced titles we must be alive and active improving in all possible aspects.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.
I won't ask for much, so here is a very small improvement, that would make my scripted cutscenes so much better.
Here's the forum post I mentioned it before: click.

In short, please disable that log message in the client. I'm not even asking for that native to be accessible in the server by default (not that I wouldn't appreciate that), since that can be done with YSF.


Originally Posted by Freaksken
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I won't ask for much, so here is a very small improvement, that would make my scripted cutscenes so much better.
Here's the forum post I mentioned it before: click.

In short, please disable that log message in the client. I'm not even asking for that native to be accessible in the server by default (not that I wouldn't appreciate that), since that can be done with YSF.

widescreen works for everyone differently. For me, he adds black bars at the top and bottom of the screen, while other people do not have these bars.

it is advisable to add a function that will disable the components of the HUD separately.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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I'm pushing ahead with 0.3.9 and it won't have any downloading feature enabled.

DL will still be available here on the forum. Maybe I'll get around to fixing the breakable fences bug in DL one day.

If you have some ideas for small improvements in 0.3.9, I'm listening.

For example, there are a few new skins floating around that could be added to the 0.3.9 installer.
Please fix vehicle team/friendly tire popping.

A function to disable collision between onfoot players would be nice.

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