06.10.2016, 12:49
Последний раз редактировалось beijind; 07.10.2016 в 23:20.
Advanced Gang Zones
Draw numbers and borders on the map.
Note: This is an updated version of my old project beaZone - GangZone Numbers & Borders [1.0]
Example how you can make it look like by tweaking some colors and font sizes (image from old NoV gang wars server)
What's new?
Example Usage
Github Link
Draw numbers and borders on the map.
Note: This is an updated version of my old project beaZone - GangZone Numbers & Borders [1.0]
Example how you can make it look like by tweaking some colors and font sizes (image from old NoV gang wars server)
What's new?
- New: v2.2.1
- Fixed number 0 and 1.
- v2.2
- Fixed number 7 top part.
- Attempt to make numbers more sexy by tweaking some old settings and adding new ones.
- ShowZoneForPlayer and ShowZoneForAll now have 2 more optional arguments which allow borders and numbers
to be shown in different colors easily without editing the source code.
- v2.1
- New functions to make zone, numbers and borders flash.
- New functions to hide zone for players.
- Fixed minor bugs.
- v2.0
- New functions for more flexible approach.
- Fixed borders collision.
CreateZone(Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY) DestroyZone(zoneid) ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color,ncolor = ZCOLOR_NUMBER,bcolor = ZCOLOR_BORDER) // ncolor and bcolor are optional ShowZoneForAll(zoneid,color,ncolor = ZCOLOR_NUMBER,bcolor = ZCOLOR_BORDER) // ncolor and bcolor are optional CreateZoneNumber(zoneid,number,Float:numsize = 0.7) // numsize is optional DestroyZoneNumber(zoneid) CreateZoneBorders(zoneid) DestroyZoneBorders(zoneid) // Added in v2.1 HideZoneForPlayer(playerid,zoneid) HideZoneForAll(zoneid) ZoneFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color) ZoneStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid) ZoneFlashForAll(zoneid,color) ZoneStopFlashForAll(zoneid) ZoneBordersFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color) ZoneBordersStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid) ZoneBordersFlashForAll(zoneid,color) ZoneBordersStopFlashForAll(zoneid) ZoneNumberFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,color) ZoneNumberStopFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid) ZoneNumberFlashForAll(zoneid,color) ZoneNumberStopFlashForAll(zoneid)
Example Usage
new zone; public OnGameModeInit() { zone = CreateZone(1795.871093, 1264.255004, 2035.871093, 1472.255004); CreateZoneBorders(zone); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { CreateZoneNumber(zone,playerid); // this will create player id number on a gangzone ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zone,0xFF000070); ZoneNumberFlashForPlayer(playerid,zoneid,0xFF00FF70); // starts to flash zone number for player return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason) { DestroyZoneNumber(zone); return 1; }
// This code example is the first picture on the top of the page. new zone,zone2,zone3,zone4; public OnGameModeInit() { // This will create 4 zones in Las Venturas. zone = CreateZone(1513.242919, 1299.813476, 1761.242919, 1587.813476); zone2 = CreateZone(1786.495727, 1447.214843, 2034.495727, 1711.214843); zone3 = CreateZone(1485.881958, 1591.029663, 1781.881958, 1911.029663); zone4 = CreateZone(1794.625854, 1727.273193, 2042.625854, 1951.273193); CreateZoneNumber(zone,16); CreateZoneNumber(zone2,89); CreateZoneNumber(zone3,32); CreateZoneNumber(zone4,54); CreateZoneBorders(zone); CreateZoneBorders(zone2); CreateZoneBorders(zone3); CreateZoneBorders(zone4); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zone,0xd25e00AA,0xff0000aa,0xffe400aa); ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zone2,0xff5252AA,0xff0000aa,0xff00f0aa); ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zone3,0x686868aa,0xffffffaa,0xffffffaa); ShowZoneForPlayer(playerid,zone4,0x8a00ffaa,0x0090ffaa,0xffffffaa); return 1; }
Github Link