Mapping Help

Hey, I just finished creating a Mapping (I'm a Beginner) And Don't know how to Convert it into my Server, If you could help It'd be Awesome, Thanks :).

Btw, I'm using SA-MP: Map Constructer, Just probably should put that out there

I would also like to know this, Anyone know?

Use this:

when you compiled the MTA to objects from this site, you get an output with CreateObject(); blahblah

Copy all those stuff and put it in your gamemode under: public onGameModeInit() {;}

like this:

PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit() 


Ok, Gingster they said that they're using SA:MP Map Construction:

- When you hit 'Show Code' and click 'Export on SA:MP Map Construction, it compiles it into a .pwn Right?
- I don't know, But I'm sure you should be abled to just copy and paste the code into your Gamemodes, .pwn

But actually, I don't have a single clue how to do this, just thought I'd see if I did!
Lol.. Sorry if I'm wrong.

Check this and see if it helps im sure it says something about samp map construction in it.

Hey, Thanks for all the Replys but A. Gingster I'm using SA:MP Map Constructer :P, B. Swiss I did that but when I went IG it didn't do anything, went back on the SA:MP Map Constructer and it was there? I thought that was a bit Weird, and C. Arathin I don't think that'll work because theres no code in my Script like that Before :L.

Just show to code and copy paste into server just rember removed objects must be placed in onplayerconnect

Check it on the *******, you'll find all what you need

click on Show Code

go to your server script > search for "OnGameModeInIt" and under it, put the CreateObject code, NOT the RemoveBuildingForPlayer code, >now search for "OnPlayerConnect" and under it, put the RemoveBuildingForPlayer code, and compile it

you're done

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