Install Cops and Robbers - RPG

I have problems in installing the this game mode:
The following error messages comes in samp-server.exe

1) IRC Plugin Could not resolve server address <No such host is known.>
2) When I try to play.It shows enter your password.I already registered but the password comes incorrect.But I typed the correct password.

Can someone tell me how to install this game mode properly ??

1) Change Port in server.cfg to 7777
2) You dont have "SFCRRPG" in you scriptfolder
3) Give me REP

How about posting in that topic, where you supposed to?

And btw You may have problems with sscanf just there is 0.3c sscanf not 0.3d or 0.3e

*UPDATE SSCANF FIRST Or you may cant use /adsetlevel or eny other commands*

1) Port is already set to 7777
2) There is a SFCRRPG In scriptfiles
3) And you want rep

Still dosen't works....

I am using the latest sscanf
I am using samp 0.3d
Forgot to mention i also get AllowAdminTeleport<> : function is deprecated.Please see OnPlayerClickMap<>
in samp-server
Here's my server.cfg options:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password whydoyouwant
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname Michale's Cops and Robbers
gamemode0 SFCRRPG 1
plugins streamer sscanf irc
announce 0
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 1
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]

and if you open server-samp.exe go in samp and add :7777 xD

OR! if you have open you router ports then you can use forwarded ip

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