Problems Installing Cops and Robbers - RPG -
MichaelProPlayer - 21.04.2012
I have problems in installing the this game mode:
The following error messages comes in samp-server.exe
1) IRC Plugin Could not resolve server address <No such host is known.>
2) When I try to play.It shows enter your password.I already registered but the password comes incorrect.But I typed the correct password.
Can someone tell me how to install this game mode properly ??
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
James Coral - 21.04.2012
1) Change Port in server.cfg to 7777
2) You dont have "SFCRRPG" in you scriptfolder
3) Give me REP
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
DBan - 21.04.2012
How about posting in that topic, where you supposed to?
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
James Coral - 21.04.2012
And btw You may have problems with sscanf just there is 0.3c sscanf not 0.3d or 0.3e
*UPDATE SSCANF FIRST Or you may cant use /adsetlevel or eny other commands*
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
MichaelProPlayer - 21.04.2012
1) Port is already set to 7777
2) There is a SFCRRPG In scriptfiles
3) And you want rep
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
MichaelProPlayer - 21.04.2012
Still dosen't works....
I am using the latest sscanf
I am using samp 0.3d
Forgot to mention i also get AllowAdminTeleport<> : function is deprecated.Please see OnPlayerClickMap<>
in samp-server
Here's my server.cfg options:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password whydoyouwant
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname Michale's Cops and Robbers
gamemode0 SFCRRPG 1
plugins streamer sscanf irc
announce 0
query 1
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 1
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Re: Install Cops and Robbers - RPG -
James Coral - 21.04.2012
and if you open server-samp.exe go in samp and add :7777 xD
OR! if you have open you router ports then you can use forwarded ip