A login system in textdraws for my upcoming server

Good Job,it looks awesome

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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I forgot to mention that its for the nickname also. You know why? Because it loads the ip from the players user file not from a general file and if the current ip matches the saved ip, the password will be inputted automatically otherwise they will have to re-input it.
I really don't want to argue with you, I am only discussing the 'bad point'. With the quote above the same thing will be possible as I described in my previous post, isn't it?

Best regards,

Looks awesome although it's pretty much useless.

Originally Posted by jessejanssen
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I really don't want to argue with you, I am only discussing the 'bad point'. With the quote above the same thing will be possible as I described in my previous post, isn't it?

Best regards,
Yeah its true but you don't live with people that you don't know right? So that wouldn't be a problem.

Originally Posted by jessejanssen
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I don't know wether to support this idea or not, at one hand, it will indeed 'solve' the issue with typing your password with the textdraws over and over but at the other hand (As you said it would be IP bound.) this situation could happen;

2 people, A and B.
Person A logs in, saves his password and plays. Person A stops playing, person B gets behind his own, other, PC, but could log in/play/screw with person A's account (Just needs to know person A's account name.)

See the issue?

Best regards,

This is the system I was talking about my previous post:
Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Yeah its true but you don't live with people that you don't know right? So that wouldn't be a problem.
I really was almost starting to think you were a retard (It's not an insult, I almost thought.), so to be sure I read back to my 'story' about person A and B, and I indeed forgot to add person A and B live in the same house but they have two seperate laptops/computers. If person A and B are in an argument one of them could easily fuck the other one over by screwing with his account because; All he needs to log in is the username from the person he has an argument with, are you starting to understand me?

Best regards,

Originally Posted by jessejanssen
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I really was almost starting to think you were a retard (It's not an insult, I almost thought.), so to be sure I read back to my 'story' about person A and B, and I indeed forgot to add person A and B live in the same house but they have two seperate laptops/computers. If person A and B are in an argument one of them could easily fuck the other one over by screwing with his account because; All he needs to log in is the username from the person he has an argument with, are you starting to understand me?

Best regards,
IP-based autologin is a pretty basic and accepted feature of servers, your account should always be your responsibility. If you live in the same house as other SA-MP players, perhaps you should turn autologin off if you're worried about this.

In regard to the login system, I think this is the biggest usability killer I've ever seen. It will take 10x longer for players to enter their password, and they'll probably get really annoyed. (rightfully so)
It's also less secure because your keyboard has no symbol keys and only uppercase letters.

Originally Posted by jessejanssen
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I really was almost starting to think you were a retard (It's not an insult, I almost thought.), so to be sure I read back to my 'story' about person A and B, and I indeed forgot to add person A and B live in the same house but they have two seperate laptops/computers. If person A and B are in an argument one of them could easily fuck the other one over by screwing with his account because; All he needs to log in is the username from the person he has an argument with, are you starting to understand me?

Best regards,
Jesse, Really? Each computer has its own IP. They might have the same router IP but not the same actual IP. And the system saves the computer IP not the router. If you type /rcon players it will tell you [ID] [Plyaer-Name] [IP] And that is the IP for the computer not for the router.

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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I like the design of this although it's not really necessary it's certainly a nice touch for a server. I think I might get sick and tired of clicking in my password all the time like that you should probably add a dialog for lazy assholes like me

nice, I like the loading circle.

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