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Well, i re-installed San Andreas and after that installed SA-MP since then i have the dialog in a strange case.. Lets have some Pictures. the NORMAL dialog the NEW dialog that i had problems with:...
Happened with me before, Check your internet connection before hosting and better start a server using a hosting company.
use wiki and read the Admin system help, VIP is same idea.
I tried to make an Anti-Cheat and i tested it, working well but, I hope you like it. This Anticheat includes: 1- Weapon hacking system aka: Minigun, Rocket Lancher, Jetpack hacks. etc... | Hacking...
Quote: Originally Posted by ricardo178 nice Thanks, And posted Pictures
This was my first script i did it from about one year but i forgot to share here you go, you can buy weapons through: [/shop] its very simple one. nothing to talk about just use it and have fun. Scri...
Good as your first one. Keep going up.
I Cannot say something really its VERY Interesting and N!ce work. Keep your work up.
Depends on your script , the register by dialog Then After the dialog or OnPlayerRegister GivePlayerMoney(playerid, Amount);
1- Im not using Ravens Rp , Second , 2-im not its scripter.., but i hope you help me to check the position
Can you show me your code of /ban? or you just need a code?
As i see , no Body can help me..?/?/? , where are the great samp scripters?
Its great for servers , but you better add anti Advertise , to avoid Pming about Advertise , Thanks for the release nice code
Its already set on the file *DynamicCars* , i mean that when i enter the car and /carbuy , it just take my money and no car for me.
I Can help , if you setted language to English