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Compiled in DEBUG mode under a Windows 8.1 x64 crappy laptop with Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate: - Virus free don't worry. Latest version (1.5) compiled in RELEASE mode with t...
I would also like to share this line so we can close the output window: Code: { "keys": ["ctrl+shift++r"], "command": "hide_panel", "args": {"panel": "output.exec"} },
Thank you for you contribution. The reason for no answers may be that maybe only 5% of this community actually knows C++ and wants/needs something like this.
Got the design loading and no errors come up, but now i get this: "Impossible to find specified module." I already disabled loaderlock.
Does it have project handling? Subscribed.
Source code is mandatory. Read the fucking rules.
Don't set it there. Set it in Pawno's "Run Options" window, under "Build".
Compile the gamemode with the parameters that crashdetect needs.
Yes, some sort of serialization would be nice.
That logo could use a bit of polishing. Can't read it right.
Olб, obrigado por publicares esta forma de compilar PAWN no Sublime, mas aparentemente estou a ter um problema ao compilar. Pois eu utilizo mais argumentos do que especificado por ti no teu primeiro ...
Could you make it possible so that the program scans .pwn files also? In my gamemode I use "custom" includes which I gave the extension of .pwn. Код: #include "funcoes/utils.pwn" #include "funcoe...
You do know that about 95% of this community doesn't even know what SVN is right? Damo, why GIT?
Quote: Originally Posted by DanTzi I've realized this modification exists back at 2008 2008? Really? I've joined these forums in 2006. 7 years seeing this place turning into a kids da...
Are you people for real? Why not use gmx / changemode like everyone else does? For fucks sake. Been developing for years using this method and never gave me any problem whatsoever. And yes I also use ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ToxXiC Because on creating this I didn't plan to make the source public until I read the rules. Changing it now will lead into lots of problems. I don-t get...