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Quote: Originally Posted by Joe Staff Count your opening and closing brackets. I believe you have an extra '(' near the beginning. Found that the ( was too many and it already compile t...
Please help me with this. Code: if((!isnull(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCustomTitle]) && strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCustomTitle], "None", true) != 0 && strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCusto...
I would like some improvements or something. contact me at discord. Im willing to pay!
Thanks you really make a nice filterscript for my rp server and do a Finishing Kills
Dapat wag ilagay yung mga squatters
Код: public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { if(adminVehicle{vehicleid}) { DestroyVehicle(vehicleid); adminVehicle{vehicleid} = false; } if(IsValidDynamicObject(vehicleSiren[vehicleid])) ...
Its not respawn, the vehicle get auto removed.. and it doesnt spawn in the place i've placed it..
CreateVehicle(446, 728.1595, -1495.2687, -0.4906, 179.7909, 1, 5, 600); This is in my script main(){} but its in line 3000 and vehicles are in line 12k+..
Hello everyone! I've created some cars around los santos and it doesnt give me warnings and errors in script but when i go in game and enter in a car after some seconds it will auto respawn is there ...
I need some loyal admins for my RP server! If you are interesed for more informations come on teamspeak! Teamspeak ip:
Looking for a scripter to script in my server, 50 playerbase, 40-50 stable players daily, server is hosted protected + hosted tab, pm me for more information
Код: else if (armour >= actual_damage) { if (actual_damage > amount) { difference = actual_damage - amount; SetPlayerArmor(playerid, armour - difference); } Here
Hello guys please help me, after i do this it give me 2 errors but idk what is wrong with it Код: public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) { if(GetPVarInt(...
Hello guys i have a problem with 3dtext lables when i add one it say me: Код: warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition And i cant see the label in game Код: Create3DTe...
Nevermind i found the issue, i just forgot to add this Код: stock UpdatePlayerVehicleMods(playerid, playervehicleid) { if(PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][playervehicleid][pvImpounded] == 0 || PlayerV...