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If you are so worried about the plugin let them deal with Kalcor On the forum, all the stupid blame each other If you are talking about bots, you can close all SAMP servers Arizona, Daimond give good ...
cuber,My english is weak Apparently you did not understand the essence and didn't even try to figure it out it says a lot about you ....
Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting each other? You want to finish SAMP? Now and so hard time when online falls due to the fact that there are no new updates For example part of a server with ...
what is the point then in this update?
this is a complete nonsense DL version will not be popular why it should be released it does not have an audience
Everyone was waiting for several years of official renewal rather than the client's division into 0.3.7 DL Especially this version will not be mandatory that's what the conversation is about
Samp is too monotonous he tired not only the players but also the developer he is too outdated New objects would make the server unique when correctly created, their weight is very small I posted scre...
If you do not want that, you can not upload them to the server. why now samp should not develop.. if the objects are created correctly, their weight will be very small in the client it is possible to ...
I apologize, I commented on them just do not fully know this forum.
What needs to be developed? Personally, we spent a lot of time building a whole city....It is already ready for 70% By the way, the whole city weighs only 5Mbyte, I do not think it would be a problem ...
we work ask you need a release and a car
I was preparing my server under 0.3.8............
I wonder why the whole city created.... add car ask
I wanted to make a big platform with roads and wanted to make it one platform which maximum sizes can I use?
did not quite understand how to fix the problem? reduce the size ? what then is the maximum size you can do?
unfortunately the bug remained I think the problem is in col.
I put a plate even over the sea and nothing changes
Thank you, I will wait for your reply.
Thank you, I sent the files to you