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-.- they dont have /pvlock .. only /lock show in the ******
someone giveme example of /pvlock .. industrial lock, alarm and electric
what happened if i install it ? it show what a problem in any commands or on my scripts ? lol ahahah .. many kinds of crashdetect i dont know what exactly is it ?
Quote: Originally Posted by ball Install crashdetect plugin. Probably one of arrays' size is to small. how install that crashdetect to my server
Quote: Originally Posted by Excips Show the code related to GetClosestGasPump Код: stock GetClosestGasPump(playerid, &businessid, &pumpslot) { new Float: minrange = 5.0, Fl...
Someone Help me ? When I type /refuel near gas pump with business So It didn't work when near the gas pump Command: Код: CMD:refuel(playerid, params[]) { if (GetPVarType(playerid, "Refu...
Someone Help me ? When I type /refuel near gas pump It didn't work So It didn't work when near the gas pump Command: Код: CMD:refuel(playerid, params[]) { if (GetPVarType(playerid, "Ref...
Where can i Put that command ? lol i dont know too
Quote: Originally Posted by Abagail That text is not located within your command. Can you confirm that no other scripts are using the function cmd_createbiz? Its only one in FS. so i wa...
Quote: Originally Posted by Raweresh What not working, why you can't use that command as admin, what you see when you use that command? Your sscanf format is worng i think. i can use th...
Please help me to work these FS -------------------- COMMAND:createbiz(playerid, params[]) { new busid,cost,name[128]; new Float,Float:y; if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))return 0; if(sscanf(params,"...
Quote: Originally Posted by Wingman /* Automatic Gate System By Wingman */ #include <a_samp> #incl...
Someone help me ? if how to make a automatic gate ? when you near the gate its open, when you go away or far from gate its close. so please help me if how to script it ..