How to make a Automatic Gate ?

Someone help me ? if how to make a automatic gate ? when you near the gate its open, when you go away or far from gate its close. so please help me if how to script it ..

Automatic Gate System
By Wingman

#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>

#define GATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL (3) // This is the interval in seconds between the script checking if anybody's inrange of a gate, lower the value, more CPU Usage

#define Open(%0,%1) \
MoveDynamicObject(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][x2], gData[%0][y2], gData[%0][z2], gData[%0][Speed]); SetDynamicObjectRot(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][rx2], gData[%0][ry2], gData[%0][rz2]); gData[%0][State] = true; Tracker[%1] = %0;

#define Close(%0,%1) \
MoveDynamicObject(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][x], gData[%0][y], gData[%0][z], gData[%0][Speed]); SetDynamicObjectRot(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][rx], gData[%0][ry], gData[%0][rz]); gData[%0][State] = false; Tracker[%1] = -1;

Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, Float2, Float:y2, Float:z2, Float:rx2, Float:ry2, Float:rz2,
interior, world, Floatistance, Float:Range, Float:Speed, bool:State,
ignorevehicle, GateID

new gData[][E_GATE_DATA] =
Format as follows:

{Model, ClosedX, ClosedY, ClosedZ, ClosedRotX, ClosedRotY, ClosedRotZ, OpenX, OpenY, OpenZ, OpenRotX, OpenRotY, OpenRotZ, Interior, World, Drawdistance, Radius, Speed, State (KEEP FALSE), ignorevehicle (0 = driver+onfoot, 1 = onfoot, 2 = driver), GateID (KEEP -1)}

{989, 450.61224365,1162.69311523,9.06943035,0.00000000,0 .00000000,216.49621582,452.35848999,1157.85070801, 9.06943035, 0.00000000,0.00000000,216.49621582, 0, 0, 500.0, 10.0, 1.0, false, 0, -1}, // Octane 1
{989, 668.50390625,1277.46594238,13.77154160,0.00000000, 0.00000000,32.24487305,669.89965820,1272.42529297, 13.77154160, 0.00000000,0.00000000,216.49621582, 0, 0, 500.0, 10.0, 1.0, false, 1, -1} // Octane 2

new Tracker[MAX_PLAYERS] = {-1,...}, Timer;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
for(new a = 0; a < sizeof(gData); a++)
gData[a][GateID] = CreateDynamicObject(gData[a][Modelid], gData[a][x], gData[a][y], gData[a][z], gData[a][rx], gData[a][ry], gData[a][rz], gData[a][world], gData[a][interior], -1, gData[a][Distance]);

Timer = SetTimer("Update", GATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL*1000, true);
return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
for(new a = 0; a < sizeof(gData); a++)
if(gData[a][GateID] != -1) DestroyDynamicObject(gData[a][GateID]);

return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Tracker[playerid] = -1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid)
Tracker[playerid] = -1;

forward Update();
public Update()
new s, w, i;
for(new a = 0, b = GetMaxPlayers(); a < b; a++)
s = GetPlayerState(a);
w = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(a);
i = GetPlayerInterior(a);

for(new g = 0; g < sizeof(gData); g++)
if(Tracker[a] == g)
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a, gData[g][Range], gData[g][x2], gData[g][y2], gData[g][z2]) && gData[g][State] == true)
Close(g, a)

if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a, gData[g][Range], gData[g][x], gData[g][y], gData[g][z]) && Tracker[a] == -1 && w == gData[g][world] && i == gData[g][interior] && gData[g][State] == false)
case 0: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || s == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { Open(g, a) } }
case 1: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { Open(g, a) } }
case 2: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { Open(g, a) } }

Use a map editor like MTA or jernejL to map the gate when it's open and when it's closed. Add a

pawn Код:
new gate;
To the top of your script, then add under ongamemodeinit

pawn Код:
gate = CreateObject(/* add it here*/);
choose whether to make a command or something else to open it

pawn Код:
MoveObject(gate, /*code for when it's open*/, 2);

Originally Posted by Wingman
Посмотреть сообщение
Automatic Gate System
By Wingman

#include <a_samp>
#include <streamer>

#define GATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL (3) // This is the interval in seconds between the script checking if anybody's inrange of a gate, lower the value, more CPU Usage

#define Open(%0,%1) \
MoveDynamicObject(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][x2], gData[%0][y2], gData[%0][z2], gData[%0][Speed]); SetDynamicObjectRot(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][rx2], gData[%0][ry2], gData[%0][rz2]); gData[%0][State] = true; Tracker[%1] = %0;

#define Close(%0,%1) \
MoveDynamicObject(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][x], gData[%0][y], gData[%0][z], gData[%0][Speed]); SetDynamicObjectRot(gData[%0][GateID], gData[%0][rx], gData[%0][ry], gData[%0][rz]); gData[%0][State] = false; Tracker[%1] = -1;

Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, Float2, Float:y2, Float:z2, Float:rx2, Float:ry2, Float:rz2,
interior, world, Floatistance, Float:Range, Float:Speed, bool:State,
ignorevehicle, GateID

new gData[][E_GATE_DATA] =
Format as follows:

{Model, ClosedX, ClosedY, ClosedZ, ClosedRotX, ClosedRotY, ClosedRotZ, OpenX, OpenY, OpenZ, OpenRotX, OpenRotY, OpenRotZ, Interior, World, Drawdistance, Radius, Speed, State (KEEP FALSE), ignorevehicle (0 = driver+onfoot, 1 = onfoot, 2 = driver), GateID (KEEP -1)}

{989, 450.61224365,1162.69311523,9.06943035,0.00000000,0 .00000000,216.49621582,452.35848999,1157.85070801, 9.06943035, 0.00000000,0.00000000,216.49621582, 0, 0, 500.0, 10.0, 1.0, false, 0, -1}, // Octane 1
{989, 668.50390625,1277.46594238,13.77154160,0.00000000, 0.00000000,32.24487305,669.89965820,1272.42529297, 13.77154160, 0.00000000,0.00000000,216.49621582, 0, 0, 500.0, 10.0, 1.0, false, 1, -1} // Octane 2

new Tracker[MAX_PLAYERS] = {-1,...}, Timer;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
for(new a = 0; a < sizeof(gData); a++)
gData[a][GateID] = CreateDynamicObject(gData[a][Modelid], gData[a][x], gData[a][y], gData[a][z], gData[a][rx], gData[a][ry], gData[a][rz], gData[a][world], gData[a][interior], -1, gData[a][Distance]);

Timer = SetTimer("Update", GATE_UPDATE_INTERVAL*1000, true);
return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
for(new a = 0; a < sizeof(gData); a++)
if(gData[a][GateID] != -1) DestroyDynamicObject(gData[a][GateID]);

return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
Tracker[playerid] = -1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid)
Tracker[playerid] = -1;

forward Update();
public Update()
new s, w, i;
for(new a = 0, b = GetMaxPlayers(); a < b; a++)
s = GetPlayerState(a);
w = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(a);
i = GetPlayerInterior(a);

for(new g = 0; g < sizeof(gData); g++)
if(Tracker[a] == g)
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a, gData[g][Range], gData[g][x2], gData[g][y2], gData[g][z2]) && gData[g][State] == true)
Close(g, a)

if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a, gData[g][Range], gData[g][x], gData[g][y], gData[g][z]) && Tracker[a] == -1 && w == gData[g][world] && i == gData[g][interior] && gData[g][State] == false)
case 0: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER || s == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { Open(g, a) } }
case 1: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) { Open(g, a) } }
case 2: { if(s == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { Open(g, a) } }
where can i find these gate ? I +REP you later ahaha

There are multiple tutorials on the forums about creating Automatic gates. I will reference you to this one

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