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Yup, it works fine in a Windows 95 partition in my 2nd laptop. But i need it running there, i've got NET Framework 3.5 working fine there and still crashes. It crashes at the first mysql_get_field now...
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos R5 is really old and there isn't support anymore. It's always recommended to use the latest version of something and I'll suggest you do the same. ...
If it's how Wizzard2H says, just check in OnPlayerConnect if there's someone other connected with the same ip address and kick him if that's true.
Hello, i've got this problem since few months. I'm coding a gamemode using BlueG's MySQL R5 plugin on Windows 7 32 bit. When i started this gamemode (still on Windows 7 32 bit) it was working fine in ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SickAttack You could also use SA:MP's native HTTP functions. Cool, that's what i was looking for. I don...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ryan_Bowe The only way this API gives to call a remote function is trough RCON... This means i can't use...
Use this function. Код: ClearChat(playerid=-1) { for(new i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if(playerid == -1) { SendClientMessageToAll(-1, " "); } else { SendClientMes...
Hello everyone, i was asking if it was possible to create a connection between a PHP web page and a SA-MP Server. I mean, Is there a way to send a "command" trough sockets from PHP to the gamemode? ...
Quote: Originally Posted by 7Ahmad7 Hey I'm not a scripter (cool) but that is my first time to fix a bug,look,What should you do is to : on line 57: pawn Код: if(InMM[playerid] == 1)...
Personally, i update every single query ad every update trough a function i did: SavePlayerDataInt(playerid, field[], value); Suggest you not saving users with a giant query, it's really heavy when ...
Can't understand what you want to do. I see your code is writen in Italian, if you are explain yourself using italian, i'll understand better as i am italian too.
Quote: Originally Posted by JaKe Elite With some little knowledge on PHP ~ INI files i'd say yes. @ FERCOPRO ~ Next time be specific, K? It is possible, you'll need some PHP knowledges...
Quote: Originally Posted by fuckingcruse What cmd processor you use? And give us the co-ordinates you want the player to spawn when he is not in death stadium . Give us the death stadium c...
Use search function, you'll find A LOT of tutorials. Anyway, use SQL.
This means you aren't using the pawno compiler which contains, in its folder, the a_zone include. So, go where you have got the file, open the pawno.exe editor and load your gamemode into....
You'll need the Stadium Interior ID & Coordinate. Then, Код: public OnPlayerDeath(playerid) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,500.0,STADIUM_X,STADIUM_Y,STADIUM_Z) && GetPlayerI...
Can't understand where the problem is. You only have to create a textdraw and a command to change values. If you're having problem with the textdraw or the command, tell me and i can help you
Quote: Originally Posted by StR_MaRy use this Man, that's not a ranking and i don't think your gamemode script would be compatible with his. And... begin indenting your code, because it...
Global variables can be conflicted, never use if you're going to change them. So the second case is better. Quote: Originally Posted by Vince In that specific example, both versions are e...