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Quote: Originally Posted by PartyPlugin Ah, thanks for your reply, And yes people need a UCP. more than 5 people contacted me already. Might be the wrong section indeed. WIll be fixed. ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity And he's still cheap. When hiring programmers for 'real' applications, expect to pay that many times over. I'm an MVC developer, working at a corpor...
Quote: Originally Posted by JohnBlaze1971 Don't know scripting and want to create server? I am working on Ingame command maker. PM if you want the include. You can create any kind of com...
Quote: Originally Posted by amirm3hdi You probably never heard of Python 3 Python is for newbies. High school drop-outs. No Offence. I'll leave it there.
Quote: Originally Posted by TomCarter Check your IP and Port or check your VPS if it has got an issue. He probably already tried those methods.
You can never have enough knowledge on C#. Doing research is the best as a beginner. I still do a lot of research and I'm still studying. perseverance is key, keep that in mind. Good luck learning
Quote: Originally Posted by khRamin78 well i had your problem too which i was codding with samp wiki but i get some errors in same code i just used but some friend noted me about mysql plu...
using /strcmp is not the best choice either. Use Zeex command processor.
Quote: Originally Posted by BR3TT Some people actually learn from getting help from the internet as well so get off your high horse. There's no 'one way' to learn something. He asked hi...
The only way you are going to learn is to fix it yourself. Stop being lazy.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jay_ I'm considering putting together a proposal for a community project for a SA-MP server with a gamemode coded in C# using vNext of this library (which suppo...
Quote: Originally Posted by amirm3hdi That language seems bad. Are you serious? and you think pawno is better?
Well, I would say.. You first need a good database design and decide on what data you want to save that will be important. Mysql is not a bad idea but probably a bad idea for beginners to start using....
Looking for a professional mapper and a professional C# programmer. I want to have someone that could also be part of a team. I am busy development a C# Piloting gamemode. Let me know if anyone is int...
You can go more advance and make it so the player only see his ticket in the mail etc. Seeing ticket information at the place it happened is not very realistic. just a suggestion :P
I am looking for an experienced C# Developer. We are going to develop the best possible SA-MP gamemodes in C#, using SampSharp. Contact me if you are interested in a partnership! new skype: ********...
Well if you are a beginning scripter it can be seen as a good one. Best thing is to learn and take advice from people on the forums and then using that to create something better and more attractive. ...
Hello Everyone, First off before I start, I know how to create mapzones and dynamic areas, but you have to fill in parameters like the minimum and maximum coordinates. What if a player wants to creat...