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You may have deleted a Semi colon ( ; ) before this code. Check the lines on top of the code provided.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kaperstone The interesting part in this thread is that people who will to waste there time on something interesting are going forward to something they don't ev...
Hello everyone . Some of you may already know me as i left SAMP for a year because of school. Anyways i'm bored and back. I have a new Idea that i think is actually doable and if it is finished, we wi...
Quote: Originally Posted by cnoopers show the code Like what cnoopers said, Were gonna have to see some code in order to help you
Quote: Originally Posted by mirou123 Make sure you are in a truck when you use that command. And make sure that you align it right
Maybe its defined somewhere in the script to show the five and you haven't changed it. It would also help if we could see what you are talking about
Quote: Originally Posted by PowerF error Make sure all the variables provided to you match the variables you use. Also what is the error?
Well you cant make it specific if all the packs use the same variables. You would have to do something like Ppack1, Ppack2, Ppack3. Then you can do something like if player buys 2 more of pack 2, it w...
Try recompiling all your filescript with the gamemode. It might also mean that the plugins do not match with the gamemode. It could also mean that you do not have all the plugins the gamemode requires
Try adding some type of mini quest so players don't get bored.
Hello everyone, iv decided to start a new project. check out Thats what iv been doing and i want like someone who has exp in marketing to help me so we can make money together...
Try This: PHP код: if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)     {         if (pInfo[playerid][PlayerSpeed] < 10)         {             if (GetPlayerIn...
Make sure you load the Filescript into the server with "loadfs [Filescript name]". Just type that into the console and try the command again
I know, you have to refer people first. Thats how they are
This is a webserver not a VPS so you doo not have full access to SSH which means that Putty will not work. This also means that you have no way of running SAMP but you can upload the files to it via F...
How can i make it so that when a vehicle a player is in is destroyed, it stops streaming the radio. Here is what i tried but gave me an error PHP код: public OnVehicleDeath(playerid, vehicle...
Thanks for sharing I hope this may help others too who have similar problems
Cant tell if this is talking about seconds, minutes or? PHP код: stock Plantation() {     for(new b = 0; b < sizeof(WeedInfo); b++)     {         if(WeedInfo[b][Weed...