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You always say that there are more server on 0.3.7 than are on 0.3 DL. Of course there are more on 0.3.7 because you always say "the DL version is not finished". Owners on 0.3.7 won't move on 0.3 DL b...
Try use the latest sscanf plugin and recompile. If u didn't added sscanf in your pawno/includes, add it and put on the beginning of you gm #include <sscanf2> Warning do not affect your game...
search for KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK, and see if you already used it to stop the special action
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus That is what happens when you use multiple returns. Код: CMD:startfw(playerid, params[]) { if( (LoggedIn[playerid]) && (PlayerData[...
Quote: Originally Posted by TheToretto It's normal. You're returning before the code, uselessly. Use this: Код: CMD:startfw(playerid, params[]) { if(!LoggedIn[playerid]) return...
Hi. So I have a problem. I'm trying to create a object on a command but when i proceed the command the object is not creating. PHP код: CMD:startfw(playerid, params[]) {     if(!LoggedIn...
Quote: Originally Posted by FedeA Put it like this Код: format(funcname, sizeof(funcname), "cmd_%s", funcname); while (cmdtext[pos] == ' ') pos++; if (!cmdtext[pos]) If ...
Quote: Originally Posted by FedeA Seems to be a problem with your ZCMD include file, which version are you using? Send that part of the include if you can, or update it. PHP код: ...
Hi! So I made some commands for my server and none of them are working. Here's a command : PHP код: CMD:me(playerid, params[]) {     if(!LoggedIn[playerid]) return 1;          ...
The original map by Kye is in VW 1. When you use /gotovc it sets your VW to 1..... You should download the latest streamer plugin from here and recompile the filterscript.
Hi! Is there someone who edited some VC Map errors? If yes, what program did you used for fixing / editing the map?
384 take a look on this. He gets the max points of the textdraw. The corners Hope that this will help you
PHP код: #define SQL_HOST = "localhost" #define SQL_USER = "root" #define SQL_DATABASE = "db" #define SQL_PASSWORD = ""  PHP код: sqlConnection = mysql_connect(SQL_HO...
PHP код: #include <a_samp> #include <izcmd> #include <a_mysql> #include <streamer> #include <foreach> #include <sscanf2>  PHP код: CMD:b(p...