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It's definitely a pain-in-the-ass that I've experienced before; can't remember exactly what I did, but remember that upon setting player's spectator mode to 0, they will re-spawn (i.e. OnPlayerSpawn w...
Quote: Originally Posted by tiernantheman Sorry for asking so much q's on here, i'm trying to pick a suitable PC for myself. 1.Would this run Gta IV with no lag and what settings medium o...
Just letting you know, I doubt this will work... pretty sure the swimming animation for when your flying is clientside.
Quote: Originally Posted by AK47317 pawn Код: if ( TMn [ playerid ] <= LMin && TSc [ playerid ] <= LSec){           //Functions.} Try this, maybe it work I thin...
If prisoners had to play like prisoners in real life do, it'd be incredibly boring.
Quote: Originally Posted by davve95 No. There would be better with just war without rp, but it's your option!. Where's the fun in that? With a standard deathmatch, there's no teamwork,...
Quote: Originally Posted by Si|ent What if the player wants to RP as a psycopath or serial killer? (No, I'm not joking. RP needs as much freedom as possible imo) Yeah, been thinking on ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mauzen I once wrote about something like that, in form of an "item-based" economy with different economy levels.
Quote: Originally Posted by Finn The starting wealth represents the wealth your character has made before it was registered, it doesn't come out of nowhere. When you create a new character...
Quote: Originally Posted by Y_Less Existing systems inject and remove money because that is a better model of the real world. Let's say you have 1000 players on at any one time - that's s...
Quote: Originally Posted by X3nZ One thing you should take into consideration is, When you are setting your economy up, make sure you don't mess your prices up, like for example, I seen t...
Hey, I've been trying to come up with an idea for a realistic and persistent economic system for deployment in a strict roleplay gamemode. I think it'd certainly be a new and interesting dynamic to g...
Perhaps check the player's weapon when they press a key whilst in a vehicle? If it's bad, unequip it.
Put aside trying to have the best cars or houses, trying to have the most money, forget whining about DM everytime you lose, is anyone here still interested in true roleplay?
You don't have to play at 1080p resolution. Lower your resolution if necessary. Aside from that, turn down your video settings or get a better graphics card, as the others said.
I'm getting pretty bored of SA-MP because of the lack of new, fresh and interesting gamemodes. I check the gamemodes section and just see the same old stuff rehashed over and over: roleplay, trucking,...
This is true. I actually think the animation is shown on others' screens when you try to enter the driver's seat of a locked car, just not on your screen. Which is actually quite confusing at times, e...
The 'hosted' tab is just stupid. There's over 150 servers on there anyway so it's really not any better than the 'internet' tab. Plus, being on the 'hosted' tab may be more exclusive than 'internet', ...
You do realize they could just mod the custom IMG, right? I'd say don't interfere with what players want to do with their client, as long as it doesn't affect other players. Just add a rule against mo...