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Contraty to popular belief i am not obsessed with turtle, it was just a joke that went too far. But to post what i came here for: What kylesmith said is true.
You can easily prevent spawning until the downloading callback is called, what's the problem with this? Player cannot spawn without spawninfo, so don't provide it until it's time.
Let me step in and explain a few things going on here. --hex-string '|081e77da| This is a match on port 7777's packet for cookie request, this will work well for all servers that are on port 777...
You can use pawncc with -l (listfile) to generate a .lst file, this will not compile, but will process all includes and #define-s. This can be used to see how long just the pre-compile step takes, a...
To check if object is dynamic (object.dat): Quote: stock IsIDEDynamic(input) { switch(input) { case 625..633: { return true; } case 642..644: { return true; } case 646:...
There are 15693 actual valid object model IDs in the game from ide range 615 to 19999, so 3691 are actually unused (invalid). I made a function with generated switch for checking if an ide number is ...
Solved. timing issue on linux, race condition bug in script.
I've been trying to get npcs working for us for years, the problem is nearly always same - they connect but immediately timeout when i use 2nd npcscript (the original ones stay connected, the new ones...
Kinda similar to what i have on our server (via precompiler). What kind of code for command checks does this generate internally?
You are wrong. They can spoof connection cookie request, but they cannot spoof full final connection (step 2).
Before i reinvent the wheel, has any of you already written a pawn client message text word wrap splitter? Like something that would split properly by word (and split really long continous lines aswe...
Perhaps a infinite recursion loop in script? looks like your call stack goes over 100 deep, that might be too much for pawn, there is a chance you have large non-static arrays in those subroutines and...
100% a script or streamer or script fps lag issue, just figure it out what causes it.
looks like your progressbar script ran out of slots, that is your script bug. Anyways the issue is, a player can send onplayerconnect twice, you should block and kick() AND rcon banip the ip if that...
missing: part before all the [part] lines started.
Codac: no idea on what issue you have, it could be related to windows 7 protected store (try running as admin).. but otherwise mods can fuck up map editor, they can use non-standard dff and txd extens...
Quote: Originally Posted by Nickvj7 impossible to create very large maps with this editor. The 'show code' fault too with high amounts of objects. You will need to be more precise on de...
Source is now public, needs delphi 7 to compile. let me know if anything is missing: Patches are accepted, post them here.
Since ****** code is shutting down i've ported the project over to github. I added a few natives that can deal with NaN and Inf floats.
GetVehicleRotationQuat will not return useable data unless the vehicle has a driver in it, unoccupied & passenger sync and trailer sync corrupts this data because they are not (yet) based on quate...