Cash decrease when respawn

When you died, and respawn, your cash will be like this:

Before death: 10000
After death: 9900

Means theres 100 dollars gone. I can't find anywhere in all my scripts where theres a line that gives you -100 cash.. Is this scripted into SA-MP if yes, how do we fix it?


I hate it to, very anoying! try this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
  GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100);
  return 1;
-100 + 100 = 0

So if you have 10.000 and you die, you will get -100, then +100, and you have 10.000 in total.

Thanx, but im wondering if there is another way, since now its even more anoying that its decreasing and then INCREASING the amount :P

I had that exact same problem as well lol. I searched all my code, removed filterscripts one-by-one, tried different combinations etc and still couldn't find it.

I found that the only fix for that was to add GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100); under OnPLayerDeath, as Andom had mentioned above.
That should sort it out, but i'm frustrated as to where this suddenly came from.


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