12.12.2018, 06:29
Last edited by TonyP; 21/12/2018 at 01:03 PM.
Reason: changed download link
💕 Diverse Roleplay by TonyP💕
💕 Information💕
This gamemode is my hard work, and take note this is NGRP edit, non-mysql based script. All credits goes to NGRP owners and to me only! The reason I'm releasing this gamemode is because, I thought that I could run this gamemode but unfortunately I dont have enough time to run it aslo I have an important exam next year, due to that I cant concentrate on updating this gamemode. But i will try my best to fix bugs, so far i didnt find any of them. Remember this script is NOT for NEWBIES!!
💕 Information💕
This gamemode is my hard work, and take note this is NGRP edit, non-mysql based script. All credits goes to NGRP owners and to me only! The reason I'm releasing this gamemode is because, I thought that I could run this gamemode but unfortunately I dont have enough time to run it aslo I have an important exam next year, due to that I cant concentrate on updating this gamemode. But i will try my best to fix bugs, so far i didnt find any of them. Remember this script is NOT for NEWBIES!!
pawn Code:
General Updates
-New awesome login textdraw, not copied from anywhere.
-Server random messages are now on the bottom of the screen, I took this idea from PLA because it was my favourite server.
-/stats /help /ah is now in dialog, more structured and looks neat.
-Admins can now show their admin badge via /showabadge, a roleplay dialog will be shown
-Admins can type /oldbiz and /oldhouses to view old and unused biz id and house id..It shows with the owners name.
-Now if you want to promote helpers, you can check their help counts which means...You can check how many help request have they accepted on their /stats..admins can type /check (their id)
-New business pickupmodel icon
-You can now put your favourite skins inside your house by tying /putskin(idk the commands check via /househelp
-VIPS CAN own up to 3 houses.
-VIPS can now own up to 5 cars.
-You can now put /boombox musics with custom url, just press on the custom url dialog section and put your custom skin, ******* is not supported as usual.
- Plenty of admin commands.
pawn Code:
CMD:ah(playerid, params[])
new str[5200];
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
strcat(str, "{B4B5B7}*** Trial Admin *** /showabadge /jail /sjail /kick /c /togadvisor /oocmute /ounmute /sfine /fine /spec /gotoid\n");
strcat(str, "*** Trial Admin *** /revive /goto /mark\n");
strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /ar (accept report) /tr (trash report) /cr (close report)\n");
strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /sta (send to advisor) /post (post forums)\n");
strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srm (send report msg to report)\n");
strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srtha (send report to higher admin)\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /gotoid /gethere /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /paused\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /god /ban /kick /jail /bigears /freeze /unfreeze /slap /warn /cnn /gethere /gotoid /hospital /goto /requestevent\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /gotoplayerscar /jetpack /god /check /ip /hlmute /nrn /listguns /setvw /setint /vehname /watch\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /oocpower /amegaphone(/ameg)\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /aduty /noooc /nonewbie /prison /fine /pfine /takeadminweapons /sendtols /oprison /gotocar /entercar /getcar /sendtoid\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /mole /setskin /countdown /release /force(death/hospital) /rto(reset) /jailaccount /(o)clearflag /mark /reloadpvehicles\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /gotoco /n(un)mute /ad(un)mute /leaders /wepreset /ocheck /owarn /ofine /okills /respawncar(s) /revive /sfine /odebug\n");
strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** (/forcetut - /skiptut) /fuelcar /cr /gr /ahyd /anos /aneon /rtoreset /rto\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4)
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /edit /noadvisor /setchamp /setarmorall /fixvehall /givenos /blowup /setname /startlotto\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /veh /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givemoney /setmoney /setfightstyle\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /adivorce /destroycar /destroycars /eventhelp /contracts /rmute\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /unban /unbanip /deletehit /clearall /setinsurance /cmotd /givelicense /adestroyplant /ahelp\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /createpvehicle /destroypvehicle /creategvehicle /vipparty /vto /vtoreset /forceskin /setcapping\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hnext /dmpnext /(goto/goin)dd /(goto/goin)house /(create/delete/goto)point /banaccount\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hedit /dd(edit/next/name/pass) /dmpedit /dmpnear /gotomapicon /gangwarn /gangunban /maketiki /deletetiki /givetikis\n");
strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /gedit /gnear /gstatus /gnext\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337)
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /weather /weatherall /tod /dedit /pedit /giftall /makehelper /respawnallcars /ipcheck\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /permaban /setcolor /payday /clearallreports /eventreset /amotd /vipmotd /givetoken /gifts\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /vmute /asellhouse /switchfac /switchfam /refund /setstat /editjob /gotojob /jobnext\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /bizedit /createbiz /deletebiz /bnext /asellbiz /resetplayerbiz\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1338)
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /specreset /pausespec /random /vrandom /giftreset /vipgifts /takeadvisor /makeadvisor /vsuspend /oldhouse /oldbiz\n");
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /afacban /listfacpay /switchfac /facpay /fackick /ofackick /facunban /faccsfban /faccsfunban /sprison /sjail\n");
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /gangstrike /fedithq /fcreate /fedit /fdelete /silentadmins /gangmods /factionmods /advisormods /djs /mods\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99998)
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /restartserver /osuspend /unsuspend /suspend /motd /amotd /vipmotd /setspawn\n");
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /givetikisall /noadmin /makemoderator /removemoderator\n");
strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /makepr /makebanappealer /makegangmod /makefacmod /makedj /makesilentadmin\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99999)
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} *** /savefiles /deletetikis /firework /usetolls /dontusetolls /allowrobbank\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} *** /createdealership /destroydealership /createcdveh /destroycdveh /giveboombox\n");
strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} *** /makeap /makedev /makeadmin /setvip /changeuserpass\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pBanAppealer] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Ban Appealer: /unbanip /unban /ipcheck /oipcheck\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminPer] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Admin Personnel: /makeadmin\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pDJ] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"DJ: /playall /stopall\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pSilentAdmin] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Silent Admin: /sw(hisper) /sprison /sjail /swarn /skick /sslap\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pFactionModerator] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /listfacpay /facpay /switchfac /faccsfunban /faccsfban /facban /facunban /fackick /ofackick /leaders /makeleader\n");
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangModerator] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /switchfam /fedit /creategvehicle /destroygvehicle /gangwarn /gangunban /fcreate\n");
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /fdelete /gangstrike /fedithq\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdvisorModerator] == 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Public Relations: /makeadvisor /takeadvisor /nonewbie /cto /ctoreset /advisors\n");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 1)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Developer: /dev /getcoords /getvehinfo\n");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 6)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Asst.Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 7)
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");
if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_INFO, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33AA33}Administration Commands", str, "Ok", "Cancel");
return 1;
As soon as possible.
- Tony Patterson (me) [The main editor and scripter of this gamemode]
- Natalie Patterson & Geroge Barletta [For testing this gamemode]
- Respective NGRP Owners & Developers [For NGRP Script]
- Eliteshost.com for giving me free 100 slots server.
- Christmas and Anims filterscript by Pedro
if it's your FC let me know by pming me.
Installation Process :
1. Open DRP.pwn file using pawno or what ever, compile it again because i dont have time to compile it.
2. Once u spawn use /rcon login (password) and type /tonyadminme [id] [99999]
3. Go to airport and you will see some cars near the building like bob cat, type there /setspawn so the players will spawn there, the spawn place was at unity station but i hate that.
💕Download links💕 :
Make sure to check out /xmashelp for christmas updates