Diverse Roleplay by TonyP -
TonyP - 12.12.2018
💕 Diverse Roleplay by TonyP💕
💕 Information💕
This gamemode is my hard work, and take note this is NGRP edit, non-mysql based script. All credits goes to NGRP owners and to me only! The reason I'm releasing this gamemode is because, I thought that I could run this gamemode but unfortunately I dont have enough time to run it aslo I have an important exam next year, due to that I cant concentrate on updating this gamemode. But i will try my best to fix bugs, so far i didnt find any of them. Remember this script is NOT for NEWBIES!!
pawn Code:
General Updates
-New awesome login textdraw, not copied from anywhere.
-Server random messages are now on the bottom of the screen, I took this idea from PLA because it was my favourite server.
-/stats /help /ah is now in dialog, more structured and looks neat.
-Admins can now show their admin badge via /showabadge, a roleplay dialog will be shown
-Admins can type /oldbiz and /oldhouses to view old and unused biz id and house id..It shows with the owners name.
-Now if you want to promote helpers, you can check their help counts which means...You can check how many help request have they accepted on their /stats..admins can type /check (their id)
-New business pickupmodel icon
-You can now put your favourite skins inside your house by tying /putskin(idk the commands check via /househelp
-VIPS CAN own up to 3 houses.
-VIPS can now own up to 5 cars.
-You can now put /boombox musics with custom url, just press on the custom url dialog section and put your custom skin, ******* is not supported as usual.
- Plenty of admin commands.
Admin commands
pawn Code:
CMD:ah(playerid, params[])
  new str[5200];
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
    strcat(str, "{B4B5B7}*** Trial Admin *** /showabadge /jail /sjail /kick /c /togadvisor /oocmute /ounmute /sfine /fine /spec /gotoid\n");
    strcat(str, "*** Trial Admin *** /revive /goto /mark\n");
    strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /ar (accept report) /tr (trash report) /cr (close report)\n");
    strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /sta (send to advisor) /post (post forums)\n");
    strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srm (send report msg to report)\n");
    strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srtha (send report to higher admin)\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /gotoid /gethere /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /paused\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /god /ban /kick /jail /bigears /freeze /unfreeze /slap /warn /cnn /gethere /gotoid /hospital /goto /requestevent\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /gotoplayerscar /jetpack /god /check /ip /hlmute /nrn /listguns /setvw /setint /vehname /watch\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /oocpower /amegaphone(/ameg)\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /aduty /noooc /nonewbie /prison /fine /pfine /takeadminweapons /sendtols /oprison /gotocar /entercar /getcar /sendtoid\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /mole /setskin /countdown /release /force(death/hospital) /rto(reset) /jailaccount /(o)clearflag /mark /reloadpvehicles\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /gotoco /n(un)mute /ad(un)mute /leaders /wepreset /ocheck /owarn /ofine /okills /respawncar(s) /revive /sfine /odebug\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** (/forcetut - /skiptut) /fuelcar /cr /gr /ahyd /anos /aneon /rtoreset /rto\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4)
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /edit /noadvisor /setchamp /setarmorall /fixvehall /givenos /blowup /setname /startlotto\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /veh /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givemoney /setmoney /setfightstyle\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /adivorce /destroycar /destroycars /eventhelp /contracts /rmute\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /unban /unbanip /deletehit /clearall /setinsurance /cmotd /givelicense /adestroyplant /ahelp\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /createpvehicle /destroypvehicle /creategvehicle /vipparty /vto /vtoreset /forceskin /setcapping\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hnext /dmpnext /(goto/goin)dd /(goto/goin)house /(create/delete/goto)point /banaccount\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hedit /dd(edit/next/name/pass) /dmpedit /dmpnear /gotomapicon /gangwarn /gangunban /maketiki  /deletetiki /givetikis\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /gedit /gnear /gstatus /gnext\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337)
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /weather /weatherall /tod /dedit /pedit /giftall /makehelper /respawnallcars /ipcheck\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /permaban /setcolor /payday /clearallreports /eventreset /amotd /vipmotd /givetoken /gifts\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /vmute /asellhouse /switchfac /switchfam /refund /setstat /editjob /gotojob /jobnext\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /bizedit /createbiz /deletebiz /bnext /asellbiz /resetplayerbiz\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1338)
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /specreset /pausespec /random /vrandom /giftreset /vipgifts /takeadvisor /makeadvisor /vsuspend /oldhouse /oldbiz\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /afacban /listfacpay /switchfac /facpay /fackick /ofackick /facunban /faccsfban /faccsfunban /sprison /sjail\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /gangstrike /fedithq /fcreate /fedit /fdelete /silentadmins /gangmods /factionmods /advisormods /djs /mods\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99998)
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /restartserver /osuspend /unsuspend /suspend /motd /amotd /vipmotd /setspawn\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /givetikisall /noadmin /makemoderator /removemoderator\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /makepr /makebanappealer /makegangmod /makefacmod /makedj /makesilentadmin\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99999)
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /savefiles /deletetikis /firework /usetolls /dontusetolls /allowrobbank\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /createdealership /destroydealership /createcdveh /destroycdveh /giveboombox\n");
    strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /makeap /makedev /makeadmin /setvip /changeuserpass\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pBanAppealer] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Ban Appealer: /unbanip /unban /ipcheck /oipcheck\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminPer] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Admin Personnel: /makeadmin\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pDJ] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"DJ: /playall /stopall\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pSilentAdmin] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Silent Admin: /sw(hisper) /sprison /sjail /swarn /skick /sslap\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pFactionModerator] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /listfacpay /facpay /switchfac /faccsfunban /faccsfban /facban /facunban /fackick /ofackick /leaders /makeleader\n");
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangModerator] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /switchfam /fedit /creategvehicle /destroygvehicle /gangwarn /gangunban /fcreate\n");
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /fdelete /gangstrike /fedithq\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdvisorModerator] == 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Public Relations: /makeadvisor /takeadvisor /nonewbie /cto /ctoreset /advisors\n");
  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 1)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Developer: /dev /getcoords /getvehinfo\n");
  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 6)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Asst.Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");
  if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 7)
    SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");
  if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_INFO, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33AA33}Administration Commands", str, "Ok", "Cancel");
  return 1;
As soon as possible.
Tony Patterson (me) [The main editor and scripter of this gamemode]
Natalie Patterson & Geroge Barletta [For testing this gamemode]
- Respective
NGRP Owners & Developers [For NGRP Script]
Eliteshost.com for giving me free 100 slots server.
- Christmas and Anims filterscript by
if it's your FC let me know by pming me.
Installation Process :
1. Open DRP.pwn file using pawno or what ever, compile it again because i dont have time to compile it.
2. Once u spawn use /rcon login (password) and type /tonyadminme [id] [99999]
3. Go to airport and you will see some cars near the building like bob cat, type there /setspawn so the players will spawn there, the spawn place was at unity station but i hate that.
💕Download links💕 :
Make sure to check out /xmashelp for christmas updates
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Alteh - 12.12.2018
rather deoptimized
but it's okay.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Infinity - 12.12.2018
Oh great, another script using #pragma tabsize 0 to hide indentation warnings instead of fixing them.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
murilo2929 - 12.12.2018
have any way to make the toys save and do not need to put them back every time they enter the server?
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
cuber - 12.12.2018
thank you kanye, very cool
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
vincentdineros24 - 13.12.2018
Thanks, but how to fix the DRP.amx run time error
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
TonyP - 13.12.2018
Originally Posted by vincentdineros24
Thanks, but how to fix the DRP.amx run time error
Compile .pwn files and run it.
Originally Posted by murilo2929
have any way to make the toys save and do not need to put them back every time they enter the server?
it will save , try /inv
Originally Posted by WGCnR
Good Job
Keep it Up!
Originally Posted by Alteh
rather deoptimized
but it's okay.
Yeah, thanks
Originally Posted by cuber
thank you kanye, very cool
Thanks dude.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
waysemir - 13.12.2018
Not bad.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
murilo2929 - 13.12.2018
it will save , try /inv
I say that when I reenter the server the accessories are in my body, that I do not have to put them by command every time I enter the server.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Min99 - 14.12.2018
Good job!
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Nyzenic - 16.12.2018
not bad, but you should
never use tabsize 0 in your scripts
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Puchas - 16.12.2018
Not bad.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
RODELA - 21.12.2018
Christmas and Anims credits goes to Pedro. Please fix the main thread.
by the way good gamemode.
Re: Diverse Roleplay by TonyP -
JoshBrown - 21.12.2018
Originally Posted by TonyP
💕 Diverse Roleplay by TonyP💕
💕 Information💕
This gamemode is my hard work, and take note this is NGRP edit, non-mysql based script. All credits goes to NGRP owners and to me only! The reason I'm releasing this gamemode is because, I thought that I could run this gamemode but unfortunately I dont have enough time to run it aslo I have an important exam next year, due to that I cant concentrate on updating this gamemode. But i will try my best to fix bugs, so far i didnt find any of them. Remember this script is NOT for NEWBIES!!
pawn Code:
General Updates -New awesome login textdraw, not copied from anywhere. -Server random messages are now on the bottom of the screen, I took this idea from PLA because it was my favourite server. -/stats /help /ah is now in dialog, more structured and looks neat. -Admins can now show their admin badge via /showabadge, a roleplay dialog will be shown -Admins can type /oldbiz and /oldhouses to view old and unused biz id and house id..It shows with the owners name. -Now if you want to promote helpers, you can check their help counts which means...You can check how many help request have they accepted on their /stats..admins can type /check (their id) -New business pickupmodel icon -You can now put your favourite skins inside your house by tying /putskin(idk the commands check via /househelp -VIPS CAN own up to 3 houses. -VIPS can now own up to 5 cars. -You can now put /boombox musics with custom url, just press on the custom url dialog section and put your custom skin, ******* is not supported as usual. - Plenty of admin commands.
Admin commands
pawn Code:
CMD:ah(playerid, params[]) {   new str[5200];   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)   {     strcat(str, "{B4B5B7}*** Trial Admin *** /showabadge /jail /sjail /kick /c /togadvisor /oocmute /ounmute /sfine /fine /spec /gotoid\n");     strcat(str, "*** Trial Admin *** /revive /goto /mark\n");     strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /ar (accept report) /tr (trash report) /cr (close report)\n");     strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /sta (send to advisor) /post (post forums)\n");     strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srm (send report msg to report)\n");     strcat(str, "*** REPORT SYSTEM *** /srtha (send report to higher admin)\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2)   {     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} *** /gotoid /gethere /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /paused\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /god /ban /kick /jail /bigears /freeze /unfreeze /slap /warn /cnn /gethere /gotoid /hospital /goto /requestevent\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /gotoplayerscar /jetpack /god /check /ip /hlmute /nrn /listguns /setvw /setint /vehname /watch\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}JUNIOR ADMIN{BFC0C2} ***  /ar /dr /reports /post /sta /dt /rfd /nao /hhc /oocpower /amegaphone(/ameg)\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3)   {     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /aduty /noooc /nonewbie /prison /fine /pfine /takeadminweapons /sendtols /oprison /gotocar /entercar /getcar /sendtoid\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /mole /setskin /countdown /release /force(death/hospital) /rto(reset) /jailaccount /(o)clearflag /mark /reloadpvehicles\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** /gotoco /n(un)mute /ad(un)mute /leaders /wepreset /ocheck /owarn /ofine /okills /respawncar(s) /revive /sfine /odebug\n");     strcat(str, "*** {00FF00}GENERAL ADMIN{CBCCCE} *** (/forcetut - /skiptut) /fuelcar /cr /gr /ahyd /anos /aneon /rtoreset /rto\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4)   {     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /edit /noadvisor /setchamp /setarmorall /fixvehall /givenos /blowup /setname /startlotto\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /veh /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givemoney /setmoney /setfightstyle\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /adivorce /destroycar /destroycars /eventhelp /contracts /rmute\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /unban /unbanip /deletehit /clearall /setinsurance /cmotd /givelicense /adestroyplant /ahelp\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /createpvehicle /destroypvehicle /creategvehicle /vipparty /vto /vtoreset /forceskin /setcapping\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hnext /dmpnext /(goto/goin)dd /(goto/goin)house /(create/delete/goto)point /banaccount\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /hedit /dd(edit/next/name/pass) /dmpedit /dmpnear /gotomapicon /gangwarn /gangunban /maketiki  /deletetiki /givetikis\n");     strcat(str, "*** {EE9A4D}SENIOR ADMIN{D8D8D8} *** /gedit /gnear /gstatus /gnext\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337)   {     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /weather /weatherall /tod /dedit /pedit /giftall /makehelper /respawnallcars /ipcheck\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /permaban /setcolor /payday /clearallreports /eventreset /amotd /vipmotd /givetoken /gifts\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /vmute /asellhouse /switchfac /switchfam /refund /setstat /editjob /gotojob /jobnext\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} *** /bizedit /createbiz /deletebiz /bnext /asellbiz /resetplayerbiz\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1338)   {     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /specreset /pausespec /random /vrandom /giftreset /vipgifts /takeadvisor /makeadvisor /vsuspend /oldhouse /oldbiz\n");     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /afacban /listfacpay /switchfac /facpay /fackick /ofackick /facunban /faccsfban /faccsfunban /sprison /sjail\n");     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}LEAD HEAD ADMIN{E3E3E3} ***  /gangstrike /fedithq /fcreate /fedit /fdelete /silentadmins /gangmods /factionmods /advisormods /djs /mods\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99998)   {     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /restartserver /osuspend /unsuspend /suspend /motd /amotd /vipmotd /setspawn\n");     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /givetikisall /noadmin /makemoderator /removemoderator\n");     strcat(str, "*** {298EFF}Executive Admin{F0F0F0} *** /makepr /makebanappealer /makegangmod /makefacmod /makedj /makesilentadmin\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 99999)   {     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /savefiles /deletetikis /firework /usetolls /dontusetolls /allowrobbank\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /createdealership /destroydealership /createcdveh /destroycdveh /giveboombox\n");     strcat(str, "*** {FF0000}Executive Director{E3E3E3} ***  /makeap /makedev /makeadmin /setvip /changeuserpass\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pBanAppealer] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Ban Appealer: /unbanip /unban /ipcheck /oipcheck\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminPer] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Admin Personnel: /makeadmin\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pDJ] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"DJ: /playall /stopall\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pSilentAdmin] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Silent Admin: /sw(hisper) /sprison /sjail /swarn /skick /sslap\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pFactionModerator] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /listfacpay /facpay /switchfac /faccsfunban /faccsfban /facban /facunban /fackick /ofackick /leaders /makeleader\n");     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Faction Moderator: /editlocker /lockernext /gotolocker\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangModerator] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /switchfam /fedit /creategvehicle /destroygvehicle /gangwarn /gangunban /fcreate\n");     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Gang Moderator: /fdelete /gangstrike /fedithq\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdvisorModerator] == 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Public Relations: /makeadvisor /takeadvisor /nonewbie /cto /ctoreset /advisors\n");   }   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 1)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Developer: /dev /getcoords /getvehinfo\n");   }   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 6)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Asst.Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");   }   if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDeveloper] >= 7)   {     SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD5,"Development Director: /makedeveloper /editpoint\n");   }   if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)   {     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SHOW_INFO, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{33AA33}Administration Commands", str, "Ok", "Cancel");   }   return 1; }
As soon as possible.
- Tony Patterson (me) [The main editor and scripter of this gamemode]
- Natalie Patterson & Geroge Barletta [For testing this gamemode]
- Respective NGRP Owners & Developers [For NGRP Script]
- Eliteshost.com for giving me free 100 slots server.
- Christmas and Anims filterscript by unknow
if it's your FC let me know by pming me.
Installation Process :
1. Open DRP.pwn file using pawno or what ever, compile it again because i dont have time to compile it.
2. Once u spawn use /rcon login (password) and type /tonyadminme [id] [99999]
3. Go to airport and you will see some cars near the building like bob cat, type there /setspawn so the players will spawn there, the spawn place was at unity station but i hate that.
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I like the edit you did to Linko Gaming Roleplay; seems nice of you.
But if you search it up, you could find it.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Chaprnks - 22.12.2018
At first I thought "this isn't the diverse roleplay I know of", the one released on
It's a completely different gamemode, with the same title.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
cuber - 22.12.2018
Originally Posted by Chaprnks
At first I thought "this isn't the diverse roleplay I know of", the one released on github.
It's a completely different gamemode, with the same title.
Yeah, I thought it was that one until I saw the "NGRP EDIT!" text on the thread title, rip.
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
wetmanjt4 - 23.12.2018
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "cuff"
why am i getting this plz reply
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
SerbanRobert - 23.12.2018
How do I open the doors?
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
N0FeaR - 23.12.2018
Looks good keep it up!
Re: Diverse Roleplay [95K Lines] NGRP EDIT! -
Pottus - 23.12.2018
1-star material here!