Dialog problem

Well i have dialog problem

When you choosing with double click it opens another dialog. it has to choose with ENTER to be normal...

RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 325.528839, 155.591705, "spol");
		PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0.312881, 1.296083);
		PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 255);
		PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 51);
		PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 1);
		PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], true);
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_SPOL, DSL, "Spol", "Musko\nZensko", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
When you choosing with double click in dialog above (countries) it opens below TD.. with ENTER choosing its everything normal

RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 324.170013, 126.074966, "lozinka");
		PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0.312881, 1.296083);
		PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 255);
		PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 51);
		PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 1);
		PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], true);
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6, a maksimalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izadji" );
            return true;

can u show me a full callback?

(dialog_spol) Double click choosing doesn't work: http://prntscr.com/id4lql (it opens again same dialog)

(dialog_country) Double click choosing opens -> dialog_spol .. http://prntscr.com/id4lz1 - > http://prntscr.com/id4lql

no dude, I mean a callback. callback which starts with public ...

callback definition from wiki - https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Category:Scripting_Callbacks

public OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    new dStyle = DSL;
    if(strfind(inputtext, "%", true) != -1 || strfind(inputtext, "#", true) != -1)
        SCM( playerid, CRVENA, "Uneli ste format koji server ne podrzava!");
		return 1;
	if( dialogid == dialog_LOGIN ) {
	    if( !response ) return Kick( playerid );
		if( response ) {
			if( !strcmp( inputtext, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLozinka ], false ) && !isnull( inputtext ) ) {
				INI_ParseFile( Korisnici( playerid ), "OcitajKorisnika", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				if( fexist( Admini( playerid ) ) ) INI_ParseFile( Admini( playerid ), "OcitajAdmina", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				if( fexist( Inventory( playerid ) ) ) INI_ParseFile( Inventory( playerid ), "LoadInventory", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				LoginTDControl( playerid, false );

                new datum[ 64 ]; new year, month,day;
				getdate( year, month, day );
		        new tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond;
				gettimeEx( tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond );
				FixHour( tmphour );
				tmphour = shifthour;
   				format( datum, sizeof( datum ), "%02d/%02d/%d - %d/%d/%d", day, month, year, tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond );
		        strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLastLogin ], datum, 0, strlen( datum ), 64 );

		        if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] != -1 ) {

					BussinesInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] ][ bNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveBussines( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] );

				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] );

                if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] );
	            if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] );

                new banfile[ 100 ]; format( banfile, sizeof( banfile ), FILE_BAN, ImeIgraca( playerid ) );
				if( fexist( banfile ) ) {
				    new File: UserFile = fopen( banfile, io_read );
				    new razlogbana[ 128 ] = "Nepoznat";
					new key[256];
					new Data[256];
					while ( fread( UserFile , Data, sizeof( Data ) ) ) {
						key = ini_GetKey( Data );
						if( strcmp( key , "Razlog" , true ) == 0 ) {
						    format( razlogbana, strlen( ini_GetValue ( Data ) ), "%s", ini_GetValue( Data ) );
					fclose( UserFile );
					getdate( year, month, day );

					SendClientMessage( playerid, SVETLOCRVENA, " A - HP // Vas acc je trenutno banovan! Izbaceni ste!" );
			        format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Razlog bana: %s", razlogbana );
			        SendClientMessage( playerid, BELA, globalstring );
			        format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Vas server nick: %s, Danasnji datum: %d.%d.%d", ImeIgraca( playerid ), day, month, year );
			        SendClientMessage( playerid, ZUTA, globalstring );
			        Muma_Kick( playerid );
					return 1;
			    if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPocetniTut ] == 0 ) {

				    TimerTutorial[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "PocetniTut", 15000, false, "ii", playerid, 1 );
				    PocetniTutorialStartovan[ playerid ] = true;
			    else {

			        aliasLogin( playerid );

			        if( fexist( Inventory( playerid ) ) ) ProveriInvOruzje[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "ProveraInvOruzja", 10, false, "dd", playerid, 0 );

					Muma_SetSpawnInfo( playerid );
    				SpawnPlayer( playerid ); PlayerLogged[ playerid ] = true;
    				antiCheatCS[ playerid ][ TeleportCheck ] = 4;
    				antiCheatCS[ playerid ][ WeaponDetect ] = 4;

                    for( new i = 0; i < 34; i ++) {
						TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, IGGLAVNI[ i ] );
					 	TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursOFF );

					if( ServerInfo[ HappyHours ] == true ) {
					    TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursON );
					    TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursOFF );

					if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] == 0 ) PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 1;

					SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );

	 				ResetAllWeapons( playerid );

	 				new playersip[ 128 ];
        			GetPlayerIp( playerid, playersip, sizeof( playersip ) );

	 				format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Igrac: %s | [ID:%d] | [LVL:%d] | [IP:%s] se ulogovao na server.", ImeIgraca( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLevel ], playersip );
					AdminPoruka( ZUTA, globalstring );
			else {
			    if( PokusajLogina[ playerid ] == MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA - 1 ) {
					format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Uneli ste krivu lozinku %d puta i dobili kick!", MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA );
				    SCM( playerid, CRVENA, globalstring);
				    Kick( playerid );
        			return true;
		    	PokusajLogina[ playerid ]++;
				SendClientMessage( playerid, CRVENA, "Kriva lozinka!" );
				format( sDStrg, sizeof( sDStrg ), DialogTekstovi[ 0 ], MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA );
			    SPD( playerid, dialog_LOGIN, DSP, D_NASLOV, sDStrg, D_ODABERI, D_ODUSTANI );
  		return true;
	else if( dialogid == dialog_REGISTER ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
			if( strlen( inputtext ) < 6 || strlen(inputtext) > 20 ) {
		    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6 a maximalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izlaz");
				return 1;
			else {
				strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLozinka ], inputtext, 0, strlen( inputtext ), 50);
		    	PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], inputtext );
				InputPassword[ playerid ] = true;
				SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_SPOL ) {
	    if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    switch( listitem ) {
			 	case 0: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 1;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], "Musko" );
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 1: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 2;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], "Zensko" );
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_COUNTRY ) {
	    if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    switch( listitem ) {
			 	case 0: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 3;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Srbija" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 1: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 2;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Hrvatska" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 2: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 1;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Makedonija" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 3: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 4;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Crna_Gora" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 4: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 5;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "BiH" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 5: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 6;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Ostalo" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_AGE ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    new age = strval( inputtext );
			if( age < 17 || age > 40 ) return SPD( playerid, dialog_AGE, DSI, "Godine", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite IC vaљe godine\nMinimalno 17 maximalno 40", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 20 ], inputtext );
			PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xGodine ] = age;
			InputAge[ playerid ] = true;
		    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_MAIL ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    new mailstring = strfind( inputtext, "@", true), tackastring = strfind( inputtext, ".", true );
	        if( mailstring == -1 || tackastring == -1) {
        		SPD(playerid, dialog_MAIL, DSI, "Mail", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vasu e-mail adresu.\nE-mail adresa ce nam posluziti u vracanju vasih passworda.(Bez maila nema vracanja passworda)", "Unos", "Izlaz");
			else {
				strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xEmail ], inputtext, 0, strlen( inputtext ), 34 );
				PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 	19 ], inputtext );
				PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ], 0.200000, 1.000000 );
				PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ] );
				InputMail[ playerid ] = true;
	         	SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_******* )
		if ( !response ) return SendInfoMessage( playerid, "Odustali ste od pustanja pjesme." );
 		if( strlen( inputtext ))
		 	foreach(new i : Player)
				new ola[ 255 ];
				format( ola, sizeof( ola ), "https://6t.pe/?song=%s", inputtext );
				PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( i, ola );

well I dont understand, u're using TextDraw's selection in OnDialogResponse?

Yes, clickable TD opens dialog...

And dialog_country on choosing opens dialog_spol like you press TD for dialog_spol but you just tried to choose country

dude, u must use this callback for PlayerTextDraw's codding - https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw

public OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid)
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6, a maksimalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_SPOL, DSL, "Spol", "Musko\nZensko", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_COUNTRY, DSL, "Drzava", "Srbija\nHrvatska\nMakedonija\nCrna Gora\nBosna i Hercegovina\nOstalo", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 20 ] ) {
	        SPD( playerid, dialog_AGE, DSI, "Godine", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vase godine\nMinimalno 12 maximalno 70", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ] ) {
		   	SPD(playerid, dialog_MAIL, DSI, "Mail", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vasu e-mail adresu.\nE-mail adresa ce nam posluziti u vracanju vaseg passworda.", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            return true;

so you can't use a double-click after this callback? on these textdraws?

Yep... can use double click on dialogs which opens on TD click...

dialog_spol (on double click) opening - > dialog_spol

dialog_country (on double click - choosing country) opening - > dialog_spol

it's probably u haven't hidden the selectable textdraw, which is behind of the dialog.

I don't need to hide TD... TD's are shown all them time, its like menu of TD's...

http://prntscr.com/id4wyg | http://prntscr.com/id4x21

Any why its black font when cursor is above, and blue font when curs is below

fix your textdraw's sizes.

Textdraw size's are all fine...
its should be problem somewhere else?

i think in dialog... because TD's are fine, but only when i double click that dialog to choose, opening some else dialog...

really wierd

is it open a dialog which is only placed at TextDraws? but I think that it's about size, look at your pictures, they're all blue when you're selecting.

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