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Dialog problem - Printable Version

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Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

Well i have dialog problem

When you choosing with double click it opens another dialog. it has to choose with ENTER to be normal...

RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 325.528839, 155.591705, "spol");
		PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0.312881, 1.296083);
		PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 255);
		PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 51);
		PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], 1);
		PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], true);
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_SPOL, DSL, "Spol", "Musko\nZensko", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
When you choosing with double click in dialog above (countries) it opens below TD.. with ENTER choosing its everything normal

RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid, 324.170013, 126.074966, "lozinka");
		PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0.312881, 1.296083);
		PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 255);
		PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 0);
		PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 51);
		PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 2);
		PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], 1);
		PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], true);
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6, a maksimalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izadji" );
            return true;

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

can u show me a full callback?

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

(dialog_spol) Double click choosing doesn't work: (it opens again same dialog)

(dialog_country) Double click choosing opens -> dialog_spol .. - >

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

no dude, I mean a callback. callback which starts with public ...

callback definition from wiki -

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

public OnDialogResponse( playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    new dStyle = DSL;
    if(strfind(inputtext, "%", true) != -1 || strfind(inputtext, "#", true) != -1)
        SCM( playerid, CRVENA, "Uneli ste format koji server ne podrzava!");
		return 1;
	if( dialogid == dialog_LOGIN ) {
	    if( !response ) return Kick( playerid );
		if( response ) {
			if( !strcmp( inputtext, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLozinka ], false ) && !isnull( inputtext ) ) {
				INI_ParseFile( Korisnici( playerid ), "OcitajKorisnika", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				if( fexist( Admini( playerid ) ) ) INI_ParseFile( Admini( playerid ), "OcitajAdmina", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				if( fexist( Inventory( playerid ) ) ) INI_ParseFile( Inventory( playerid ), "LoadInventory", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );

				LoginTDControl( playerid, false );

                new datum[ 64 ]; new year, month,day;
				getdate( year, month, day );
		        new tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond;
				gettimeEx( tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond );
				FixHour( tmphour );
				tmphour = shifthour;
   				format( datum, sizeof( datum ), "%02d/%02d/%d - %d/%d/%d", day, month, year, tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond );
		        strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLastLogin ], datum, 0, strlen( datum ), 64 );

		        if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] != -1 ) {

					BussinesInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] ][ bNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveBussines( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xFirmaID ] );

				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 0 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 1 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] != -1 ) {

					II[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] ][ iNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveProperty( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xProperty ][ 2 ] );

                if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 0 ] );
	            if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 1 ] );
				if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] != -1 ) {

					VehicleInfo[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] ][ vNeaktivnost ] = 0;
					SaveVehicle( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xVoziloID ][ 2 ] );

                new banfile[ 100 ]; format( banfile, sizeof( banfile ), FILE_BAN, ImeIgraca( playerid ) );
				if( fexist( banfile ) ) {
				    new File: UserFile = fopen( banfile, io_read );
				    new razlogbana[ 128 ] = "Nepoznat";
					new key[256];
					new Data[256];
					while ( fread( UserFile , Data, sizeof( Data ) ) ) {
						key = ini_GetKey( Data );
						if( strcmp( key , "Razlog" , true ) == 0 ) {
						    format( razlogbana, strlen( ini_GetValue ( Data ) ), "%s", ini_GetValue( Data ) );
					fclose( UserFile );
					getdate( year, month, day );

					SendClientMessage( playerid, SVETLOCRVENA, " A - HP // Vas acc je trenutno banovan! Izbaceni ste!" );
			        format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Razlog bana: %s", razlogbana );
			        SendClientMessage( playerid, BELA, globalstring );
			        format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Vas server nick: %s, Danasnji datum: %d.%d.%d", ImeIgraca( playerid ), day, month, year );
			        SendClientMessage( playerid, ZUTA, globalstring );
			        Muma_Kick( playerid );
					return 1;
			    if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPocetniTut ] == 0 ) {

				    TimerTutorial[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "PocetniTut", 15000, false, "ii", playerid, 1 );
				    PocetniTutorialStartovan[ playerid ] = true;
			    else {

			        aliasLogin( playerid );

			        if( fexist( Inventory( playerid ) ) ) ProveriInvOruzje[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "ProveraInvOruzja", 10, false, "dd", playerid, 0 );

					Muma_SetSpawnInfo( playerid );
    				SpawnPlayer( playerid ); PlayerLogged[ playerid ] = true;
    				antiCheatCS[ playerid ][ TeleportCheck ] = 4;
    				antiCheatCS[ playerid ][ WeaponDetect ] = 4;

                    for( new i = 0; i < 34; i ++) {
						TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, IGGLAVNI[ i ] );
					 	TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursOFF );

					if( ServerInfo[ HappyHours ] == true ) {
					    TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursON );
					    TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, HappyHoursOFF );

					if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] == 0 ) PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 1;

					SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );

	 				ResetAllWeapons( playerid );

	 				new playersip[ 128 ];
        			GetPlayerIp( playerid, playersip, sizeof( playersip ) );

	 				format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Igrac: %s | [ID:%d] | [LVL:%d] | [IP:%s] se ulogovao na server.", ImeIgraca( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLevel ], playersip );
					AdminPoruka( ZUTA, globalstring );
			else {
			    if( PokusajLogina[ playerid ] == MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA - 1 ) {
					format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "Uneli ste krivu lozinku %d puta i dobili kick!", MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA );
				    SCM( playerid, CRVENA, globalstring);
				    Kick( playerid );
        			return true;
		    	PokusajLogina[ playerid ]++;
				SendClientMessage( playerid, CRVENA, "Kriva lozinka!" );
				format( sDStrg, sizeof( sDStrg ), DialogTekstovi[ 0 ], MAX_POKUSAJ_LOGINA );
			    SPD( playerid, dialog_LOGIN, DSP, D_NASLOV, sDStrg, D_ODABERI, D_ODUSTANI );
  		return true;
	else if( dialogid == dialog_REGISTER ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
			if( strlen( inputtext ) < 6 || strlen(inputtext) > 20 ) {
		    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6 a maximalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izlaz");
				return 1;
			else {
				strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xLozinka ], inputtext, 0, strlen( inputtext ), 50);
		    	PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ], inputtext );
				InputPassword[ playerid ] = true;
				SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_SPOL ) {
	    if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    switch( listitem ) {
			 	case 0: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 1;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], "Musko" );
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 1: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPol ] = 2;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ], "Zensko" );
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_COUNTRY ) {
	    if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    switch( listitem ) {
			 	case 0: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 3;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Srbija" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 1: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 2;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Hrvatska" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 2: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 1;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Makedonija" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 3: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 4;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Crna_Gora" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 4: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 5;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "BiH" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
			 	case 5: {
			 	    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xDrzava ] = 6;
				    PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ], "Ostalo" );
				    ChoseCountry[ playerid ] = true;
				    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
		            PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, NickIgracaTD[ playerid ] );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_AGE ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    new age = strval( inputtext );
			if( age < 17 || age > 40 ) return SPD( playerid, dialog_AGE, DSI, "Godine", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite IC vaљe godine\nMinimalno 17 maximalno 40", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 20 ], inputtext );
			PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xGodine ] = age;
			InputAge[ playerid ] = true;
		    SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_MAIL ) {
		if( !response ) return 1;
		if( response ) {
		    new mailstring = strfind( inputtext, "@", true), tackastring = strfind( inputtext, ".", true );
	        if( mailstring == -1 || tackastring == -1) {
        		SPD(playerid, dialog_MAIL, DSI, "Mail", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vasu e-mail adresu.\nE-mail adresa ce nam posluziti u vracanju vasih passworda.(Bez maila nema vracanja passworda)", "Unos", "Izlaz");
			else {
				strmid( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xEmail ], inputtext, 0, strlen( inputtext ), 34 );
				PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 	19 ], inputtext );
				PlayerTextDrawLetterSize( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ], 0.200000, 1.000000 );
				PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ] );
				InputMail[ playerid ] = true;
	         	SelectTextDraw( playerid, GLAVNA );
	else if( dialogid == dialog_******* )
		if ( !response ) return SendInfoMessage( playerid, "Odustali ste od pustanja pjesme." );
 		if( strlen( inputtext ))
		 	foreach(new i : Player)
				new ola[ 255 ];
				format( ola, sizeof( ola ), "", inputtext );
				PlayAudioStreamForPlayer( i, ola );

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

well I dont understand, u're using TextDraw's selection in OnDialogResponse?

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

Yes, clickable TD opens dialog...

And dialog_country on choosing opens dialog_spol like you press TD for dialog_spol but you just tried to choose country

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

dude, u must use this callback for PlayerTextDraw's codding -

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

public OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid)
if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 17 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_REGISTER, DSI, "Registracija", "Password moze sadrzavati minimalno 6, a maksimalno 20 znaka", "Registriraj", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 18 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_SPOL, DSL, "Spol", "Musko\nZensko", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 21 ] ) {
	    	SPD( playerid, dialog_COUNTRY, DSL, "Drzava", "Srbija\nHrvatska\nMakedonija\nCrna Gora\nBosna i Hercegovina\nOstalo", "Odabir", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 20 ] ) {
	        SPD( playerid, dialog_AGE, DSI, "Godine", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vase godine\nMinimalno 12 maximalno 70", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            return true;
	    if( playertextid == RegisterTD[ playerid ][ 19 ] ) {
		   	SPD(playerid, dialog_MAIL, DSI, "Mail", "U prazni prostor ispod unesite vasu e-mail adresu.\nE-mail adresa ce nam posluziti u vracanju vaseg passworda.", "Unos", "Izadji" );
            return true;

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

so you can't use a double-click after this callback? on these textdraws?

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

Yep... can use double click on dialogs which opens on TD click...

dialog_spol (on double click) opening - > dialog_spol

dialog_country (on double click - choosing country) opening - > dialog_spol

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

it's probably u haven't hidden the selectable textdraw, which is behind of the dialog.

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

I don't need to hide TD... TD's are shown all them time, its like menu of TD's... |

Any why its black font when cursor is above, and blue font when curs is below

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

fix your textdraw's sizes.

Re: Dialog problem - tbedy - 11.02.2018

Textdraw size's are all fine...
its should be problem somewhere else?

i think in dialog... because TD's are fine, but only when i double click that dialog to choose, opening some else dialog...

really wierd

Re: Dialog problem - Mugala - 11.02.2018

is it open a dialog which is only placed at TextDraws? but I think that it's about size, look at your pictures, they're all blue when you're selecting.