little question

hi i've just a little question
I know how to use a timer(ex) to call a function after some time ok
but i dont wanna that the function will be called directly after i started the server? just after 10 sec.?

Where it says 1000 = 1 sec so 10000 = 10secs

thanks but that wasnt my question i wanted to know how to delay a function after the server started

can someone help me? pls.

You just need to look at the functions

SetTimer(funcname[], time_in_milliseconds, bool:repeat?);
SetTimerEx(funcname[], time_in_milliseconds, bool:repeat?, const format[], {Float,_}:...);

Than you only need to know what public gets called when the server start
If you use a GM its OnGameModeInit() and than main()
If its a filterscript that OnFilterScriptInit()

sry but ...
public Test() starts if I start the server and my timer would restart the function after a few minutes but i wanna that the function only start cause of the timer

can someone help me pls.?

public Test()

This function will start directly if i start the server but i wanna that the function will called after 1 minute? How can I do this


Can u give an example? pls.

pawn Код:
pawn Код:
public Test(modelid)
print ("lol");
The function Test() is called immediately
what can i do?

6000 = 6 Seconds, Make that longer e.g. for 10 seconds it 10000, Also if you want the timer to repeat then change
pawn Код:
to this
pawn Код:
If you need more help on converting Seconds to Milliseconds then ****** it e.g. "How many milliseconds in 1 minute" and that will give you a straight answer

@nesty: Also be sure that you only call the function with the timer and not with Test(); in OnGameModeInit()

it doesnt work here was my idea

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()


pawn Код:
public CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid)
    new rand = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
    RandomPickupid = CreatePickup(modelid, 3, RandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1], RandomSpawn[rand][2]);
So that function is called immediately but it should only start cause of the timer
hope u can help me

Well then add the Timer in a command. Or set the time higher. ATM the pickup will be created 6 seconds after u launched the samp-server.exe

I changed the time to a higher one but no effect and when i put the timer in a command the timer has no effect
here my whole idea

pawn Код:
forward CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid);

pawn Код:
new Float:RandomSpawn[][] =
}, RandomPickupid;

pawn Код:
//public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("CreatePickupAtRandPos", 60_000, false);

pawn Код:
public CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid)
    new rand = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
    RandomPickupid = CreatePickup(modelid, 3, RandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1], RandomSpawn[rand][2]);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == RandomPickupid)
            GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 15_000);
            SetTimerEx("CreatePickupAtRandPos", 30_000, false, "i", 1550);
            // and some TextDraws

  return 1;

timer dosent work

pawn Код:
forward CreateRandomPickup();

new RandomPickup;

new Float:RandomSpawn[4][3] =
  {2211.2908,2472.7927,10.8203},//Leave the same for testing purposes saves you running around.

new RandomModelType[2][2] =

new RandomMoney[3][1] =

public CreateRandomPickup()
  new modeltype= random(sizeof RandomModelType);
  new spawn = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
  RandomPickup = CreatePickup(RandomModelType[modeltype][0], RandomModelType[modeltype][1], RandomSpawn[spawn][0], RandomSpawn[spawn][1], RandomSpawn[spawn][2]);
  return 1;

public OnGameModetInit()
  SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 60000, false);
  return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
  new RandomMoneyAmount = random(sizeof RandomMoney);
  if(pickupid == RandomPickup)
      GivePlayerMoney(playerid, RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount][0]);
      SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 20000, false);
  return 1;
1550 seems to be a object. Just an example. I did test it.

hey thanks a lot it works
(1550 is the moneybag pickup)
later i actually wanted to add random money but u just already have done it
really cool thanks

NP. I was editing my script so I though I would edit some of it and post as I thought it was relevant.

I have just one last question on this topic...
How can I show the player who pick up the moneybag the amount of the money?

Textdraw3 = TextDrawCreate(112.000000,118.000000,"You found the moneybag");
Textdraw4 = TextDrawCreate(174.000000,79.000000,"Congratulatio ns!!!");
Textdraw5 = TextDrawCreate(254.000000,146.000000,"%d"); <-----// I thought of something like this
Textdraw6 = TextDrawCreate(304.000000,146.000000," $");

(Problem is the random money) hope some1 can help me

for that we only need to change the OnPlayerPickupPickup
pawn Код:
new RandomMoney[5] = { 5_000, 10_000, 15_000, ... };
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
    if(pickupid == RandomPickup)
        SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 20000, false);
        new RandomMoneyAmount = random(sizeof RandomMoney), string[10];
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount]);
        Textdraw3 = TextDrawCreate(112.000000,118.000000,"You found the moneybag");
        Textdraw4 = TextDrawCreate(174.000000,79.000000, "Congratulations!!!");
        format(string, sizeof string, "$%d", RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount]);
        Textdraw5 = TextDrawCreate(254.000000,146.000000, string);
    return 1;
Destroy / Hiding / Changing the textdraw you need to do by yourself

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