little question -
nesty - 07.02.2009
hi i've just a little question
I know how to use a timer(ex) to call a function after some time ok
but i dont wanna that the function will be called directly after i started the server? just after 10 sec.?
Re: little question -
Auto-Sized - 07.02.2009
Where it says 1000 = 1 sec so 10000 = 10secs
Re: little question -
nesty - 07.02.2009
thanks but that wasnt my question i wanted to know how to delay a function after the server started
Re: little question -
nesty - 07.02.2009
can someone help me?
Re: little question -
Nero_3D - 08.02.2009
You just need to look at the functions
SetTimer(funcname[], time_in_milliseconds, bool:repeat?);
SetTimerEx(funcname[], time_in_milliseconds, bool:repeat?, const format[], {Float,_}:...);
Than you only need to know what public gets called when the server start
If you use a GM its OnGameModeInit() and than main()
If its a filterscript that OnFilterScriptInit()
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
sry but ...
public Test() starts if I start the server and my timer would restart the function after a few minutes but i wanna that the function only start cause of the timer
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
can someone help me pls.?
public Test()
This function will start directly if i start the server but i wanna that the function will called after 1 minute? How can I do this
Re: little question -
Eraz0r - 09.02.2009
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
Can u give an example? pls.
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
public Test(modelid)
print ("lol");
The function Test() is called immediately
what can i do?
Re: little question -
ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 09.02.2009
6000 = 6 Seconds, Make that longer e.g. for 10 seconds it 10000, Also if you want the timer to repeat then change
to this
If you need more help on converting Seconds to Milliseconds then ****** it e.g. "How many milliseconds in 1 minute" and that will give you a straight answer
Re: little question -
Eraz0r - 09.02.2009
@nesty: Also be sure that you only call the function with the timer and not with Test(); in OnGameModeInit()
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
it doesnt work here was my idea
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
pawn Код:
public CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid)
new rand = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
RandomPickupid = CreatePickup(modelid, 3, RandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1], RandomSpawn[rand][2]);
So that function is called immediately but it should only start cause of the timer
hope u can help me
Re: little question -
Eraz0r - 09.02.2009
Well then add the Timer in a command. Or set the time higher. ATM the pickup will be created 6 seconds after u launched the samp-server.exe
Re: little question -
nesty - 09.02.2009
I changed the time to a higher one but no effect and when i put the timer in a command the timer has no effect
here my whole idea
pawn Код:
forward CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid);
pawn Код:
new Float:RandomSpawn[][] =
}, RandomPickupid;
pawn Код:
//public OnGameModeInit()
SetTimer("CreatePickupAtRandPos", 60_000, false);
pawn Код:
public CreatePickupAtRandPos(modelid)
new rand = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
RandomPickupid = CreatePickup(modelid, 3, RandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1], RandomSpawn[rand][2]);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == RandomPickupid)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 15_000);
SetTimerEx("CreatePickupAtRandPos", 30_000, false, "i", 1550);
// and some TextDraws
return 1;
timer dosent work
Re: little question -
Auto-Sized - 10.02.2009
pawn Код:
forward CreateRandomPickup();
new RandomPickup;
new Float:RandomSpawn[4][3] =
{2211.2908,2472.7927,10.8203},//Leave the same for testing purposes saves you running around.
new RandomModelType[2][2] =
new RandomMoney[3][1] =
public CreateRandomPickup()
new modeltype= random(sizeof RandomModelType);
new spawn = random(sizeof RandomSpawn);
RandomPickup = CreatePickup(RandomModelType[modeltype][0], RandomModelType[modeltype][1], RandomSpawn[spawn][0], RandomSpawn[spawn][1], RandomSpawn[spawn][2]);
return 1;
public OnGameModetInit()
SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 60000, false);
return 1;
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
new RandomMoneyAmount = random(sizeof RandomMoney);
if(pickupid == RandomPickup)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount][0]);
SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 20000, false);
return 1;
1550 seems to be a object. Just an example. I did test it.
Re: little question -
nesty - 11.02.2009
hey thanks a lot it works
(1550 is the moneybag pickup)
later i actually wanted to add random money but u just already have done it
really cool thanks
Re: little question -
Auto-Sized - 11.02.2009
NP. I was editing my script so I though I would edit some of it and post as I thought it was relevant.
Re: little question -
nesty - 13.02.2009
I have just one last question on this topic...
How can I show the player who pick up the moneybag the amount of the money?
Textdraw3 = TextDrawCreate(112.000000,118.000000,"You found the moneybag");
Textdraw4 = TextDrawCreate(174.000000,79.000000,"Congratulatio ns!!!");
Textdraw5 = TextDrawCreate(254.000000,146.000000,"%d"); <-----// I thought of something like this
Textdraw6 = TextDrawCreate(304.000000,146.000000," $");
(Problem is the random money) hope some1 can help me
Re: little question -
Nero_3D - 13.02.2009
for that we only need to change the OnPlayerPickupPickup
pawn Код:
new RandomMoney[5] = { 5_000, 10_000, 15_000, ... };
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == RandomPickup)
SetTimer("CreateRandomPickup", 20000, false);
new RandomMoneyAmount = random(sizeof RandomMoney), string[10];
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount]);
Textdraw3 = TextDrawCreate(112.000000,118.000000,"You found the moneybag");
Textdraw4 = TextDrawCreate(174.000000,79.000000, "Congratulations!!!");
format(string, sizeof string, "$%d", RandomMoney[RandomMoneyAmount]);
Textdraw5 = TextDrawCreate(254.000000,146.000000, string);
return 1;
Destroy / Hiding / Changing the textdraw you need to do by yourself