Survive in Silence - SilentZ (Similar to the game Rust)

Hello everyone, today I will present my new project for you, 'Survive In Silence - SilentZ'
Current version 0.4.2
PS: Sorry for the errors in the text, I don't speak english very well...

• Index
  • Introduction
  • Gamemode
    1. Systems
    2. Map
    3. Prints
  • Progress
  • Changelog
  • Team
  • Warnings
• Introduction

This project was initially created by 'Carlos001 (BLU)' on April 2017, until then it was just me in it, but I've known 'UserUnkn0wn' since then he it's helping me in the textdraws creation part and in the server map and in some systems

The server is of survival, Our focus is that the server to be similar to the Rust game where your goal in the beginning is to look for food, cut trees, catching ores and other things to build a base and so survive on the server
• Gamemode
  1. Systems: The server already contains a lot of legal systems and some will still be created, you can see some of the systems in "Changelog" and also in the "Prints", remembering that the server is more inspired on the game "Rust (Experimental)".
  2. Map: The Map is no longer specifically the GTA SA (with streets, buildings, house etc ...) the 'UserUnk0wn' (Mapper) has taken an area of the Server that is more similiar to the map of Rust, an area with forests, rivers, mountains and is editing it to leave more like the map of Rust (you can see how it's getting down below under "Prints")

  3. Print's: Now, some images of how the server is so far. (PS: The server is constantly changing)
    Prints #1 ( )
    Prints #2 ( )
    Prints #3 ( )
    Prints #4 ( )

    Prints #5 ( ) - NEW ( 25/01/2018 )

• Progress
  • Base System ( 99% ) In Progress
    Craft System ( 94% ) In Progress
    Airdrop System ( 100% ) Finalized
    Tree System ( 100% ) Finalized
    Ore System ( 100% ) Finalized
    Inventory System ( 100% ) Pre-Finalized
    Achievements System ( 76% ) In Progress
    Login System ( 100% ) Finalized
    Furnace System ( 38% ) In Progress
    Chest System ( 47% ) In Progress
    Server Map ( 67% ) In Progress
• Changelog

PHP Code:
<+> = Added.
<-> = 
<!> = 
<+> New 
login screen (now with background scenery)
Items System (Inventory dialogs); 
Barrels System (Drop items after broken); 
Destructible tree System;
Base with wardrobe System (doorswallswindows...); 
Cmd: /build reformulated (Now with Textdraws); 
Bilingual (Languages PT/BR and ENG90%; 
<+> New 
textdraws to code lock system (for doorsgates...); 
System of picking fruit from Trees;
Inventory System Update (now with Textdraws); 
<+> New 
animals systemdeers and cows added;
Updated Inventory from 25 for 30 slots design Improvementsoptimizations and corrections;
<+> New 
map fully adapted and improved (with orestreesconstructionsmini globes...);
Explosive System (C4) for added base invasions;
Airdrop system with flare (Supply Signaladded;
Several bugs fixedsome of the most important:
Fixed bug in inventory (bugged items);
Fixed Barrels bug (before without respawn);
Fixed bug in airdrop and now it is a bit more realistic;
Fixed bug in Building Plan (/ build) and now has new objects for building;
Login screen v2 added (background and textdraws was changed);
Added more treesores and a few barrels that were missing from the map;
Now the ores as well as treesare really destructible (you break the ore and when you receive the loot the ore is automatically destroyed and respawn after);
More objects added by the mapto make it more attractive (UserUnkn0wn want avoiding putting many objects for those with bad PC can play normally without lag);
After the player dies all his items will be dropped and will disappear after 30min;
Hemp fiber System (some plants that are on the map);
Fruit System (after you broke a treeappleorangebanana or another fruits);
Added chests systemfurnaces and crafting table;
The amount of woodsstonesironssulfur and the like will be random Between 4 to 10 after breaking down trees or ores...
<+> New 
screen of deathafter the player die will appear a screen with some information about death itself.
Now it is possible to create bicycles or cars with some itemsbut it is not so easy.
The player gains rewards after completing the achievements.
<!> New 
build plantnow bigger with more objects and better design.
<!> New 
HUD design of player informations deathsHSlevellive timeetc...
<!> New inventoryfunctions, and design as been changed
<!> Completely finalized inventory and being saved and loaded correctly
<!> Nowto pick up items from the floorno longer use the 'C'just open the Inventory Proximity;
The globes supply boxes have their respawn every 15min;
Airdrops are now removed after 6 minutes after it has been called or when no longer have items in it;
System of permissions wardrobe finalizednow has 2 vacancies (Owner Another player)
Fully configured and functional HUD;
Base system in general prefinishedMissing only furnace system and chests (which are already in progress);
A red smoke will be created where an airdrop is called;
Completed bilingual system and corrected translation errors
<!> Now consumable items (Water CantilJuices and Drinks in Generalhave no more quantity (x4x5...) but a percentage from 0to 100%;
Command /wardrobemenu addedfrom dialog to textdrawit will show a screen with the information of your locker;
When you earn a levelyou can receive from 1 to 30 coins;
Now it is possible to duplicate an object from your basemaking it easier to construct it;
Each wardrobe of permissions has a building limit 40 objects per wardrobe (only the chests do not count on the limit);
Chest system started in progress 47
- PS: Something can be modified / added or maybe removed at any time.
• Team

General Programmer: Carlos001 and UserUnk0wn
Mapper: UserUnk0wn
Designer: UserUnk0wn
Beta Testers: N/D
• Warnings

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Thank you all!

what about the default hud? did you hide it with a script or need to press f7 two times?

Great work

Looking good.

looks nice.

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