[GameMode] Next Generation Roleplay

Originally Posted by darkhunter332
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I feel sick how the script was given.
be happy this script is released

No, just edit the value in the database first. Once you have yourself set up you can /makeadmin

If anyone here needs help feel free to send me PM..

Someone give me all file of script and work with all please

Any news on fully working version?


Why did you release it... you don't know how many ngg-clone server invites I get in Discord daily. I just got one a minute ago, they literally use the same abbreviature - NGG, the words are just different. They also use the logo as well OMEGALUL

looks like people nowadays have no imagination and no photoshop skills either

Welcome to the most downloaded God Father edit.

Its shutting down please help me !!

Originally Posted by Midoria
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Its shutting down please help me !!
If you're new to programming, this is not the script to start with.
It's fairly complex and is designed for above average developers.

How can I add my account here please help me.


I never thought this would be released as open source.
Probably the biggest SA:MP RP server ever.

Only just realised they stripped my name from the credits


It works perfectly but, there are a problem with the lastest streamer.dll cant load the ngrp.amx... executing server.exe

i compile i without any errors xcept two warnings at some lines at server FS

Originally Posted by General Abe
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Only just realised they stripped my name from the credits


Originally Posted by BlackyX
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Why did you release it... you don't know how many ngg-clone server invites I get in Discord daily. I just got one a minute ago, they literally use the same abbreviature - NGG, the words are just different. They also use the logo as well OMEGALUL

looks like people nowadays have no imagination and no photoshop skills either
They released because it's leaked many times over the years because they hire random people to be developer. And people try to sell it. Same with SCRP. This is nothing new

Originally Posted by m3shys
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They released because it's leaked many times over the years because they hire random people to be developer. And people try to sell it. Same with SCRP. This is nothing new
I’m pretty sure they released because their pb was low and they werent generating enough money...

Originally Posted by Dignity
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I’m pretty sure they released because their pb was low and they werent generating enough money...
That's why they shut down yes. Even after shut down the script has been desired. And it's been leaked, kept getting sold on various forums for years. Which is why they just released the latest version publicly as a "fuck you" to those snakes doing those leaking activities, now they've shut down. Communities and feelings run deep beyond the server closing.

NGG clones were actually way more popular before this was released, but that may be cause the scene is less popular. At least from what I see but they may all be on 0.3.7 and I play on 0.3 DL. I haven't seen too many popular RP on SACNR monitor on 0.3.7 aside from Horizon, Lawless and Italy which all dominate light roleplay. All heavy and medium typically on DL. Often what happened is the NGG script was under constant development, old versions were publicly leaked and newer versions were sold. A cycle really. Obviously people want the new versions with the new features, like backpack, otherwise they have to code themselves (they can't or too time consuming/ not desired) or they must pay a developer hefty fees.

Even SCRP thread says the same, they got snaked out. Charity is not very common here, even for people with great scripts where they could release for others as they gained little from it (failed launch, no launch). Releasing scripts, even if you worked years, can do more harm than good if it's a completed gold script. It results in many short-lived communities, for example. They just spin up SCRP or NGG and close after a few months and can't even develop anything of their own (they can't code in PAWN only replace text in quotations and use Pawno to compile), and gain no playerbase due to that stereotype and lots of similar competition with the same few scripts that are actually good out there.

Im working to translate it to spanish, adding and taking back some features, im using this one as base gm

ive added the hunger system again because it was removed dont know why.
and its true i'm alone on this and it spends time.

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