Compiler Crashes

A friend of mine has sent me a roleplay gamemode for him to compile he had the hole includes,
and plugins needed for it to work but i try'd every compiler even ZeeX's one it had some,
loose indentation i fix them all it took me 1day for the entire script to fix it has over,
75.4k lines in code functions, callbacks, loops, commands, i was seeking for eny lower/higher,
letters in case no matching was found and still it stopped the compiler i am so confused,
what is the point?

Can anyone help me solve the issue

Thanks for your suggestion or advise

RogueDrifter: is there a type of tool that can check how many brackets i have or maybe not?
so i can see in details

i can go back reviewing the script tomorrow on daylight getting callback by callback to see were went wrong,

1 question can to many return 's may have something to do with the script?

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