28.01.2009, 00:32
GTA Gun Game
This is a gun game for SAMP. It's similar to the ones in CSS. Basically, the point is for players to run around and kill each other. Every 4 kills, the player levels up and receives a new weapon. The weapons are in this order.
This is a gun game for SAMP. It's similar to the ones in CSS. Basically, the point is for players to run around and kill each other. Every 4 kills, the player levels up and receives a new weapon. The weapons are in this order.
- Dual pistols
- Silenced pistol
- Deagle
- Shotgun
- Combat shotgun
- Sawn-off shotgun
- Tec 9
- Uzi
- Mp5
- Rifle
- AK
- M4
- Sniper rifle
- Grenade
- Cocktail
- Knife
- Minigun
- Admin commands
- [b]/kick (id) (reason)
- [b]/ban (id) (reason)
- [b]/mute (id) (reason)
- [b]/unmute (id) (reason)
- [b]/freeze (id) (reason)
- [b]/unfreeze (id) (reason)
- [b]/sethp (id) (reason)
- [b]/disarm (id) (reason)
- [b]/setarm (id) (reason)
- [b]/armourall
- [b]/warn (id) (reason) - Give a player a warning. 3 warnings = kick - 5 warnings = ban
- [b]/help
- [b]/commands
- [b]/rules
- [b]/level - Displays your current level
- [b]/kills
- [b]/leader
- [b]/map - Shows current map and next map
- [b]/reddemprize - Pulls up the redeemprize menu
- [b]/warnings
- [b]/register
- [b]/login
All on the first map
It's normally not night like that. I just had it like that for something else.
-Requires DUDB
http://solidfiles.com/d/ee9w The image with the download amount seems to be broken after so long.
MasterAssasin was the person who came up with the idea. He wrote all the specs of it in a txt document and gave it to me. I programmed all of it and added in a few things but it was his idea. He gave it to me to program though. I didn't like steal the idea.
Please download if you are any interested and just try it. I bet you won't be disappointed.It really is fun with a lot of people.