Full server but players can still connect

I have kind of a strange problem. When my server is full with 32 players sometimes a few more players will join with ids 32, 33, even as high as 34 so that we have 35/32 slots used. I tried adding
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	if(playerid > (MAX_PLAYERS-1)) return Kick(playerid);
but it has no effect. How do I prevent this? My server is still on 0.3.7 because my host is slow to update.

Do you use a VPS, dede or host. Post which and what company

Evolution Host. Not VPS or dedicated, just game server hosting.

You're using NPCs? I had got the same problem a time ago, I think that is caused by FNPC plugin.

I have solved the problem with that:
pawn Код:
public OnIncomingConnection(playerid, ip_address[], port)
    if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid) && playerid > MAX_PLAYERS-1) {
        BlockIpAddress(ip_address, 5000);
    return 1;

No NPCs. I will try to stop the connections in OnIncomingConnection.

Originally Posted by mooman
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No NPCs. I will try to stop the connections in OnIncomingConnection.
Worked? Else, game servers are usually behind the real time for like 3 mins, when a players logs out, the host should automatically put one slots free less, but it needs some time.

Originally Posted by mooman
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No NPCs. I will try to stop the connections in OnIncomingConnection.
So probably is a problem on SA-MP.
I think the code on Incoming Connection will solve that for you.

I would recommend asking your host to update your server to R2-1. What operating system are they running?

I'm back to report that connork's code worked.

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