Removing the bots inside the small Casino interior


I am currently working on a script inside the small Casino interior(1139.47, -5.51, 1000.67). I've seen through other threads that using DisableInteriorEnterExits() removes them, but it doesn't seem to do the trick - the bots are still present.

How should I go about removing them? If all fails, I'll probably end up making a mock interior elsewhere within the map.


Change player's virtual world.

I have changed the player's virtual world and it seems to do nothing at all. If you put the player in a camera really high above the interior, the NPC's actually start moving(I found this quite odd), not really related but that's quite interesting.

Not entirely sure, but I think this could solve it, but you'll have to go through it since it deletes the tables and such as well.

Assuming I've removed the original GTA:SA table objects, will dynamic/streamed tables still work without recreating the NPCs?

As Byt3/Cody said: they're bound linked to the casino objects so perhaps recreate the objects?
If that doesn't work you'll have to recreate the interior as the bots will be connected to that interior ID.

Yes recreating objects will not readd the bots, if it works: CreateDynamicObj, or CreateObject-wise.
~ native objects aren't in the same container.

Removing the original table and spinwheel objects seems to have worked.
P.S: Thanks for your object array Pottus, the map editor didn't return the correct rotations.

Table replacements with correct rotations:
pawn Code:
CreateDynamicObject(2188, 1125.140014, -3.414060, 1000.580017, 0.000000, 0.000000, -0.000017, 0.000000);
CreateDynamicObject(2188, 1127.079956, -1.679690, 1000.580017, 0.000000, 0.000000, 89.999992, 0.000000);
CreateDynamicObject(2188, 1125.150024, -0.031250, 1000.580017, 0.000000, 0.000000, 179.999984, 0.000000);
Original object removal:
pawn Code:
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1895, 1117.2813, -1.6484, 1002.0781, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 2188, 1125.1406, -3.4141, 1000.5781, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 2188, 1127.0781, -1.6797, 1000.5781, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 2188, 1125.1484, -0.0313, 1000.5781, 0.25);

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