[FilterScript] MAdmin v1.0


- Dialog based registration and login system.
- Whirlpool hashed passwords.
- Efficent script! Uses YCMD, sscanf 2.0, y_ini and foreach, efficent PVar usage - deletes the PVar instead of setting it to 0 to free memory .
- Advanced IRC system - easy to setup and use!
- User friendly.
- Anti RCON login.
- Anti command spam.
- Anti text spam.
- Anti text repeat.
- Auto-ip login.
- Easy to translate the script into your language.
- Efficent connect time updating - no timers involved!
- Various ban methods: temporaly bans, range bans. You also have the ability to unban players ingame using /unban !
- Nice use of colour embedding to allow for a more structured filterscript.
- Ability to send messages to IRC from in-game and also PM users on IRC from in-game. Works for all players not only administrators.
- Ability to disable commands in-game for a certain player using /toggle(all)cmd.


Player Commands

- /stats /irc /ircpm /report
Admin Commands

- /setlevel /register /login /toggleengine /heal /kick /ban /setname /setgravity
- /setvhealth /setarmour /sethealth /setscore /setmoney /setweather /setskin
- /setworld /setinterior /slap /akill /jetpack /crash /disarm /dedisarm
- /mute /unmute /freeze /unfreeze /cage /uncage /amsg /asay /listweapons
- /clearchat /spectate /setvip /changepass /getinfo /warn /clearwarnings
- /giveweapon /giveallweapon /crashall /slapall /akillall /freezeall /unfreezeall
- /warnall /clearallwarnings /muteall /unmuteall /disarmall /dedisarmall
- /uncageall /cageall /kickall /banall /healall /toggleallengines /setallvhealth
- /setallarmour /setallhealth /setallmoney /setallscore /setallskin /setallworld
- /setallinterior /rangeban /tempban /up /down /north /south /east /west /vehicle
- /destroyvehicle /removecar /givemoney /givescore /giveallmoney /giveallscore
- /goto /gotop /gotopos /send /sendp /get /getp /acmds /reconnect /reconnectall
- /togglecmd /toggleallcmd /godmode
IRC Commands

- !say !asay !ssay !irccmds !getid !getname !pm !amsg !admins !vip !getinfo
- !iban !tempban !rangeban !banall !ikick !kickall !cage !cageall !uncage
- !freeze !freezeall !unfreeze !unfreezeall !warn !warnall !clearwarnings
- !mute !unmute !muteall !unmuteall !disarm !dedisarm !disarmall
- !giveallweapon !crash !crashall !botjoin !botleave !botregister
- !togglecmd !toggleallcmd !akill !slap !giveweapon !clearallwarnings
- !uncageall !botidentify !dedisarmall
- To disable a feature, simply comment out the feature such as shown below:
- To enable a feature, simply remove the comment infront of the feature such as shown below:


sscanf2 - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570927
Ysi/y_ini - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570957
ZCMD - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=91354
Foreach - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570868
Streamer - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865

The Script:

---Let me know in the comments what i could've improved and if you perhaps find any bug which i doubt you will Rep me? ----

Good Job Bro,
Keep It up With Any Fitures More

It is excellent
keep it up

Nice one! Thank for you work!

This script looks like a mash up of other scripts all put into one the coding style varies quite a bit using pvars, normal variables etc. Very suspicious at the same time I didn't find any other scripts with the same/similar code so who knows. If it is legit then this is a real cluster fuck of a shitty looking script design.

@Amunra Thank you so much
@ctopha <3
@Sakuragi No problem, thank you for comment
@Pottus My scripting technique is really specific. I find it that my style of script can be recognized by me easly.. If anyone copies from me i'd be the first to know.. This script is not a mashup of any other script nor it's the new script. I've made this in 2013

Originally Posted by Pottus
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This script looks like a mash up of other scripts all put into one the coding style varies quite a bit using pvars, normal variables etc. Very suspicious at the same time I didn't find any other scripts with the same/similar code so who knows. If it is legit then this is a real cluster fuck of a shitty looking script design.
Couldn't say it better.
Originally Posted by Kakioshe22
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@Pottus My scripting technique is really specific. I find it that my style of script can be recognized by me easly.. If anyone copies from me i'd be the first to know.. This script is not a mashup of any other script nor it's the new script. I've made this in 2013
You cannot prove it with just some words, the code looks messed up.

Good one and keep it up

Good Job +Rep

@illuminati2 You won't find any script in samp history matching my script Give it a go tho..
@Sreyas Thank you !
@K0P Thanks man.

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