[FilterScript] MAdmin v1.0 - Printable Version
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MAdmin v1.0 -
Kakioshe22 - 27.02.2016
- Dialog based registration and login system.
- Whirlpool hashed passwords.
- Efficent script! Uses YCMD, sscanf 2.0, y_ini and foreach, efficent PVar usage - deletes the PVar instead of setting it to 0 to free memory .
- Advanced IRC system - easy to setup and use!
- User friendly.
- Anti RCON login.
- Anti command spam.
- Anti text spam.
- Anti text repeat.
- Auto-ip login.
- Easy to translate the script into your language.
- Efficent connect time updating - no timers involved!
- Various ban methods: temporaly bans, range bans. You also have the ability to unban players ingame using /unban !
- Nice use of colour embedding to allow for a more structured filterscript.
- Ability to send messages to IRC from in-game and also PM users on IRC from in-game. Works for all players not only administrators.
- Ability to disable commands in-game for a certain player using /toggle(all)cmd.
Player Commands
- /stats /irc /ircpm /report
Admin Commands
- /setlevel /register /login /toggleengine /heal /kick /ban /setname /setgravity
- /setvhealth /setarmour /sethealth /setscore /setmoney /setweather /setskin
- /setworld /setinterior /slap /akill /jetpack /crash /disarm /dedisarm
- /mute /unmute /freeze /unfreeze /cage /uncage /amsg /asay /listweapons
- /clearchat /spectate /setvip /changepass /getinfo /warn /clearwarnings
- /giveweapon /giveallweapon /crashall /slapall /akillall /freezeall /unfreezeall
- /warnall /clearallwarnings /muteall /unmuteall /disarmall /dedisarmall
- /uncageall /cageall /kickall /banall /healall /toggleallengines /setallvhealth
- /setallarmour /setallhealth /setallmoney /setallscore /setallskin /setallworld
- /setallinterior /rangeban /tempban /up /down /north /south /east /west /vehicle
- /destroyvehicle /removecar /givemoney /givescore /giveallmoney /giveallscore
- /goto /gotop /gotopos /send /sendp /get /getp /acmds /reconnect /reconnectall
- /togglecmd /toggleallcmd /godmode
IRC Commands
- !say !asay !ssay !irccmds !getid !getname !pm !amsg !admins !vip !getinfo
- !iban !tempban !rangeban !banall !ikick !kickall !cage !cageall !uncage
- !freeze !freezeall !unfreeze !unfreezeall !warn !warnall !clearwarnings
- !mute !unmute !muteall !unmuteall !disarm !dedisarm !disarmall
- !giveallweapon !crash !crashall !botjoin !botleave !botregister
- !togglecmd !toggleallcmd !akill !slap !giveweapon !clearallwarnings
- !uncageall !botidentify !dedisarmall
- To disable a feature, simply comment out the feature such as shown below:
- To enable a feature, simply remove the comment infront of the feature such as shown below:
sscanf2 - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570927
Ysi/y_ini - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570957
ZCMD - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=91354
Foreach - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570868
Streamer - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865
The Script:
---Let me know in the comments what i could've improved and if you perhaps find any bug which i doubt you will
Rep me?
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
Amunra - 27.02.2016
Good Job Bro,
Keep It up With Any Fitures More
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
ctopha - 27.02.2016
It is excellent
keep it up
Respuesta: MAdmin v1.0 -
Sakuragi - 27.02.2016
Nice one! Thank for you work!
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
Pottus - 28.02.2016
This script looks like a mash up of other scripts all put into one the coding style varies quite a bit using pvars, normal variables etc. Very suspicious at the same time I didn't find any other scripts with the same/similar code so who knows. If it is legit then this is a real cluster fuck of a shitty looking script design.
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
Kakioshe22 - 28.02.2016
@Amunra Thank you so much
@ctopha <3
@Sakuragi No problem, thank you for comment
@Pottus My scripting technique is really specific. I find it that my style of script can be recognized by me easly.. If anyone copies from me i'd be the first to know.. This script is not a mashup of any other script nor it's the new script. I've made this in 2013
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
illuminati2 - 28.02.2016
Originally Posted by Pottus
This script looks like a mash up of other scripts all put into one the coding style varies quite a bit using pvars, normal variables etc. Very suspicious at the same time I didn't find any other scripts with the same/similar code so who knows. If it is legit then this is a real cluster fuck of a shitty looking script design.
Couldn't say it better.
Originally Posted by Kakioshe22
@Pottus My scripting technique is really specific. I find it that my style of script can be recognized by me easly.. If anyone copies from me i'd be the first to know.. This script is not a mashup of any other script nor it's the new script. I've made this in 2013
You cannot prove it with just some words, the code looks messed up.
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
SyS - 28.02.2016
Good one and keep it up
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
K0P - 28.02.2016
Good Job +Rep
Re: MAdmin v1.0 -
Kakioshe22 - 28.02.2016
@illuminati2 You won't find any script in samp history matching my script
Give it a go tho..
@Sreyas Thank you !
@K0P Thanks man.