12.06.2015, 21:45
For those who try to run NG:RP script on Linux and crash when a player is registrer / login or spawn here are stepts:
-download from samp official website server 0.3.7
-put your gamemode in gamemode folder
-create folder called ''plugins'' (put the ultimate plugins possible there + in pawn / incluide the INC files)
-upload scriptfiles in samop server 0.3.7
-make sure that your plugins are with .so extension
-recompile gamemode and all filterscripts
-upload on LINUX OS host
-Have fun!
I hope that was helpefull
-download from samp official website server 0.3.7
-put your gamemode in gamemode folder
-create folder called ''plugins'' (put the ultimate plugins possible there + in pawn / incluide the INC files)
-upload scriptfiles in samop server 0.3.7
-make sure that your plugins are with .so extension
-recompile gamemode and all filterscripts
-upload on LINUX OS host
-Have fun!
I hope that was helpefull