Running this script in Linux -
extender1987 - 12.06.2015
For those who try to run NG:RP script on Linux and crash when a player is registrer / login or spawn here are stepts:
-download from samp official website server 0.3.7
-put your gamemode in gamemode folder
-create folder called ''plugins'' (put the ultimate plugins possible there + in pawn / incluide the INC files)
-upload scriptfiles in samop server 0.3.7
-make sure that your plugins are with .so extension
-recompile gamemode and all filterscripts
-upload on LINUX OS host
-Have fun!
I hope that was helpefull
Re: Running this script in Linux -
Luis- - 12.06.2015
You know this is getting deleted, the NG-RP script is a leaked script. SA-MP doesn't support leaked scripts.
Re: Running this script in Linux -
extender1987 - 12.06.2015's a free world /internet is not a damn movie ,music is just a gf edit wich is all arround internet take a look ******.com

and NG:RP Can mean Night Gaming Roleplay or Newb Gaming Roleplay or naked gamed roleplay any others questions?
Re: Running this script in Linux -
Luis- - 12.06.2015
It's not a movie? Aw, that's a shame.
Re: Running this script in Linux -
JaydenJason - 12.06.2015
its a shame if you dont even know how to change windows version of a script to linux
i wish negrepping was still here
Re: Running this script in Linux -
extender1987 - 12.06.2015
Originally Posted by JaydenJason
its a shame if you dont even know how to change windows version of a script to linux
i wish negrepping was still here
No!I think it is a shame to not have a life(like yours)....I don t think is a shame if you don t know how to set up a samp server on linux
I just tryed to help here....samp is my 7 st priority in life....samp need to be a HOBBY so why is a shame?
Oh by the way....I posted many times nobody answered why it is crashing on linux I haved to figure myself with newbie experiences and you guys with many reputation and experiences and didn t answered so where si the SHAME now mister ''samp good father''?
Re: Running this script in Linux -
Luis- - 13.06.2015
In all honesty, the thread is in the wrong section and it doesn't even look like a tutorial. One more thing, SA-MP is just something I do while at home.
Re: Running this script in Linux -
Vince - 13.06.2015
Originally Posted by extender1987's a free world /internet is not a damn movie ,music is just a gf edit wich is all arround internet take a look ******.com 
That doesn't matter in the slightest. If you're really 28 or 29 years old like your username suggests then you should know how copyright works.
Re: Running this script in Linux -
extender1987 - 13.06.2015
Originally Posted by Vince
That doesn't matter in the slightest. If you're really 28 or 29 years old like your username suggests then you should know how copyright works.
I don t know ...tell me how it works please!Be my guest......