Prison object ID 4000 / 4080

I once saw a map where he had deleted the gate from object 4000. (AKA "twintjail2_lan", it is at the prison in LS)
I've searched for a long time now, and i haven't been able to find that post again.
I've tried to experiment a bit with it, when i delete object id 4000 and look at the code (using SA-MP Map Construction) it has a RemoveBuildingForPlayer code that deletes both object id 4000 and 4080.

Then i tried to use object id 4080, it's very buggy, but it doesn't have the gate.
What's wrong with object id 4080 is that it's resolution/graphics are very bad, like an unloaded texture, and seems to be missing some of the objects that 4000 has.
Also it makes my game unable to load other objects, it will only load the prison and some of the sorrounding buildings, even though i have no mods installed.

Object id 4000 - Gate 1

Object id 4000 - Gate 2

Object id 4080 in the exact same position as 4000, with 4000 removed

The object id 4080 isn't there unless you spawn it, as i can see when i use codes to remove object id 4000 only, so it's quite weird.

So is this just my game, or how do i remove the "gates"?

The ugly model has the same collisions as the other one, this ugly one seems to be a LOD model.

You can either make your own version using objects that already exist or suggest a new object derived from 4000 with the gates removed here:

Can you explain what you mean by making my own version out of existing objects?
I've tried to recreate it using other objects, but it's nearly impossible due to the terrain and sheer amount of details needed for it.
I know it's do-able, and there's a code for it somewhere, but i've spent probably an hour now without finding it...
If i find a picture i can post it to here.

That's exactly what i mean. I never said it would be easy.

The post i saw had it perfectly normal, with just the gates removed, also remember seeing it on a server some weeks ago.
So it must be possible without re-creating it, but now i can't even find a picture of it...

I managed to remove the gate by making it invisible, but you still cannot walk through it, it's just see-through.

The lighting effects on the object also changes, does not really matter that much.

Maybe that was what i saw, and it actually wasn't walk-through... :/
I guess i'll create a code to teleport someone to the other side of the gate then.

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