Converter to CreateDynamicObjectEx

hi , I finding Converter to CreateDynamicObjectEx .... Tell me about CreateDynamicObjectEx and please link of Converter to CreateDynamicObjectEx

huh? Use streamer then then add the following in your script.
pawn Код:
stock CreateDynamicObjectEx(modelid, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: rx, Float: ry, Float: rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float: streamdistance = 200.0)
    new objectid = CreateDynamicObject(modelid, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, worldid, interiorid, playerid, streamdistance);
    Streamer_SetFloatData(STREAMER_TYPE_OBJECT, objectid, E_STREAMER_DRAW_DISTANCE, 300.0);
    return objectid;
What the heck do you mean by converter?

i in my gamemod have a lots of maps 17 K CreateDynamicObjects and loading is terrible and i want to move CreateDynamicObject to CreateDynamicObjectEx for better loading ... pLEASE hELP ME

Can anybody help meeee

What makes you think CreateDynamicObjectEx will improve the speed?

Load the maps in Map editor then output them in CreateDynamicObjectEx form.

I have map editor but in Show Code is CreateObject , RawData,CreateDynamicObj and Centred ...
AND CreateDynamicObjectsEx while speed loading objects because. i can set stream distance ..
i think. ..
And sorry for my bad english .. Im from Serbia Europe. .. Novak Djokovic.

Listen you cant just convert them, because if you have CreateDynamicObject then that means your script probably runs with strcmp, which is also slow. And they run together, meaning that if you change the CreateDynamicObject to CreateDynamicObjectEx it will not compile, as they are completely different with the scripts. Only if you have a script which uses
then it will already have CreateDynamicObjectEx.
Otherwise you have to change your entire script, which takes time....


Using a seperate function which basically does the same as the regular CreateDynamicObject can't possibly be faster.

And also, CreateDynamicObject allows you to do that aswell.

pawn Код:
native CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 200.0, Float:drawdistance = 0.0);
EDIT: Don't just bump your thread if you get a reply which you don't like, actually READ your replies, because they will help you.

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