Car Saver - Your Ideas

Well guys atm im working on my first script I want to give out to you. Its a TuningSaver but I would like to get a few more ideas.
-Coordinates saved
-New File for each car
-Save Tuning Parts
-Save Colors and Paintjobs
-Save Owner
-Save Fuel
-Save Car Health

nice, like a car-ownership?

Well yes I will do SaveTuning and Ownership in once You can easy add new saveable cars with one line so it autocreates the *.car file for the car so really easy.

-Save Car Health
-Save Fuel (?)
-Save Vehicle ID
-Save Model ID


Fuel would be a good idea. Car Health too. Vehicle id : hm what to do with that? Model ID is already in

- Save Un/Lock

Car ID: Each car gets an ID ... started at 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 etc.

Originally Posted by H4rv
- Save Un/Lock

Car ID: Each car gets an ID ... started at 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 etc.
He know's, If he has already worked on a system that works by files. Obviously it already saves the Vehicle ID.

um... I have this system already... I guess I can create a filterscript or just release the functions to save you guys from the trouble of developing them...

I got a system where admin creates car with /createcar [model] , it creates the car to the next avaliable car file slot (,, etc). To change the cars stuff, there is /editcar [carid] [variable] [variable], this is a huge command (about1.4k lines) It includes every possible component added to cars plus allows modification of the max hp of a car 1000~3000, and the max gastank 100~300 (100 gas lasts 1.3 hours)... then there is also /deletecar [vehicleid] this deletes the car and its file... only bug with it is, dont delete any car but the last with this command... delete the file manually and rename all the cars after that... or just dont delete it and modify the cars model or whatever you want it to be(/editcar)

EDIT: also, forgot to say this, but cars are placed by doing /createcar, then driving it to where you want it to spawn and doing /park. (0 lines of coding for your server vehicle placement)

there is also a lil car ownership in there, (theres the ability in the file with the owner, and values of the car) but its still a lil buggy on a few things.

Release of my car system -

Kinetic's car ownership is very good. But its crashing the server when writing /carmod. So its crap if would be a Pawn file okay but isnt so..Its crap Sry I think that

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