08.09.2008, 15:44
- Air Defense in Area 51 -
Hi Community, here is my new Script for You !
If you fly over the Area 51 in any Airplane
The Air Defense Tower shoots a Rocket to you !
On the Radar you see a Grey Square, that is the Rocket !
And you hear a Signal that say you a Rocket flies to you
* 1 Air Defense Tower
* 1 Rocket (if you fly over Area 51)
* 1 Sound (if the Rocket is flies)
| Pictures are Comming Soon with a Fun Edition |
Script by Littlejohny and MaVe from: www.GTA-Scripting.de.tt
Please give us Credits in your Gamemode
Thx and have Fun with it
- LJ
Hi Community, here is my new Script for You !
If you fly over the Area 51 in any Airplane
The Air Defense Tower shoots a Rocket to you !
On the Radar you see a Grey Square, that is the Rocket !
And you hear a Signal that say you a Rocket flies to you
* 1 Air Defense Tower
* 1 Rocket (if you fly over Area 51)
* 1 Sound (if the Rocket is flies)
| Pictures are Comming Soon with a Fun Edition |
Script by Littlejohny and MaVe from: www.GTA-Scripting.de.tt
Please give us Credits in your Gamemode
Thx and have Fun with it
- LJ