Looking for a Scripter to help out !

Hello ladies & gentlemen.

Currently Chicago Life Roleplay is looking for a scripter. The script got a lot of good mapping & features, the only problem is that we do not have an experienced scripter to fix bugs & add another kind of features into the server. Our community is slowly growing up due to being DoS'd. We're getting a dedicated server to avoid that, with that say currently we are not whiling to pay (Maybe in the future). Right now we are short in cash due to some problems & we would gladly appreciate the help of a scripter.

Thank you,
Chicago Life Roleplay.

Sorry there is already a thread for looking for scripters.


Would you give me the direct link to it please? Thank you.


There's a problem tho, for some reasons it does not allow me to get on the following thread.

Help request archive:

Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here! #1


That's why i am posting it here, i never got the activation code and even when i'm re-sending it, i'm not getting it.

You're account is activated if it was you wouldn't be able to comment/post at all so maybe you need a certain amount of posts or rep, ect? I don't really know either as I am new to the forums.

Hope I helped

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