"server closed the connection" after update

Hello guys,

Yesterday I compiled my Script to 0.3x and updated the Plugins but when I want to connect this happens:

[13:32:22] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3x-R1-2 {FFFFFF}Started

[13:32:25] Connecting to

[13:32:25] Connected. Joining the game...

[13:32:25] Server closed the connection.
Server Log:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[13:32:04] Server Plugins
[13:32:04] --------------
[13:32:04] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[13:32:04] Loaded.
[13:32:04] Loaded 1 plugins.

[13:32:04] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[13:32:04] Loaded 19 vehicles
[13:32:04] Loaded 1 dealerships
[13:32:04] Das Ganze Muell wurde Erfolgreich geladen
[13:32:04] Materialen Aus Muell wurden erfolgreich geladen!
[13:32:04] Das Wasser wurde erfolgreich geladen!
[13:32:04] Alle GREEN DROGEN wurden erfolgreich geladen!
[13:32:04] Alle GOLD DROGEN wurden erfolgreich geladen!
[13:32:04] Alle LSD DROGEN wurden erfolgreich geladen!
[13:32:04] Revolution-Roleplay 
[13:32:04] ----------------------------------

[13:32:04] Number of vehicle models: 53
[13:32:04] Incoming connection:
[13:32:25] Incoming connection:
[13:32:25] [join] stefan_krotzer has joined the server (0:
[13:32:25] [part] stefan_krotzer has left the server (0:2)
[13:33:23] Incoming connection:
Sry for my bad English but in the German Forums no one is able to help me

Give us your OnPlayerConnect.

What did you updated, you added an anti-cheat? Maybe that's bugged. Send us your OnPlayerConnect...

I added nothing, I compiled it only with 0.3x

hereґs my opc

	AntiCheat[playerid] = 1;
	God[playerid] = 0;
	Freeze[playerid] = 0;
	Jailed[playerid] = 0;
	TrackCar[playerid] = 0;
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "IstAngeschnallt", 0);
	InterpolateCameraPos(playerid,2293.8120,79.8919,26.3359, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 25000);
	InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 25000);


	new string[64], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    format(string,sizeof string,"%s hat den Server betreten.",pName);

 	gettime(hour1, minute1);

	if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid))return 1;
	//===================BOMBEN Al Asad==================
	CSSGELEGTXD[playerid] = 0;
  	HatEineBombe[playerid] = 0;
 //=====================BOMBEN Al Asad Ende====================
    new Spielerdatei[256];
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);

     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_LOGIN,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD ,"Login","\n\n{ffffff}Herzlich Willkommen auf {CC0000}Revolution Roleplay\n\n{ffffff}Wir sind in der Open Alpha!Bugs und Verbesserungsvorschlдge bitte im Forum posten\n\n","Login","Abbrechen");
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_REGISTER,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Registrieren","\n\n{ffffff}Herzlich Willkommen auf {CC0000}Revolution Roleplay\n\n{ffffff}Wir sind in der Open Alpha!Bugs und Verbesserungsvorschlдge bitte im Forum posten\n Gib nun bitte das Passwort fьr deinen neuen Account ein.\n\n","Register","Abbrechen");

    new playerIp[16], version[10], path[33];

    GetPlayerIp(playerid, playerIp, sizeof(playerIp)); // IP adresse auslesen
    GetPlayerVersion(playerid, version, sizeof(version)); // client-version des spielers auslesen

    do // die punkte in der IP entfernen
        new dotPosition = strfind(playerIp, ".");
	strdel(playerIp, dotPosition, dotPosition + 1);
    } while (strfind(playerIp, ".") != -1);

    format(path, sizeof(path), "flood_protection/%s.ip", playerIp);

    if (!strcmp(version, SERVER_VERSION))
        if (dini_Exists(path))
            Kick(playerid); // spieler ist bereits mit einem anderen account verbunden
            dini_Create(path); // spieler ist noch nicht verbunden, deshalb legen wir einen eintrag an
    	Kick(playerid); // der spieler verbindet nicht mit der version, mit der der server lдuft
   	InterpolateCameraPos(playerid,2293.8120,79.8919,26.3359, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 25000);
	InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 2293.7900,-81.0601,26.3382, 25000);
    for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++)
    	new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		new name[256], desc[256];
		new file[100], str[128];
    	GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
		format(file, sizeof(file), "Houses/%s.ini", pname);
			name = dini_Get(file, "Name");
			desc = dini_Get(file, "Description");
			HouseInfo[h][Owner] = pname;
			HouseInfo[h][Price] = dini_Int(file, "Price");
			HouseInfo[h][PX] = dini_Float(file, "Pickup X");
			HouseInfo[h][PY] = dini_Float(file, "Pickup Y");
			HouseInfo[h][PZ] = dini_Float(file, "Pickup Z");
			HouseInfo[h][TX] = dini_Float(file, "Teleport X");
			HouseInfo[h][TY] = dini_Float(file, "Teleport Y");
			HouseInfo[h][TZ] = dini_Float(file, "Teleport Z");
			HouseInfo[h][TA] = dini_Float(file, "Teleport Angle");
			HouseInfo[h][Int] = dini_Int(file, "Interior");
			HouseInfo[h][Vir] = dini_Int(file, "Virtual");
			HouseInfo[h][Cash] = dini_Int(file, "Cash");
			HouseInfo[h][Rentable] = dini_Int(file, "Rentable");
			HouseInfo[h][RentPrice] = dini_Int(file, "Rent Price");
			HouseInfo[h][CarModel] = dini_Int(file, "Car Model");
			HouseInfo[h][CarX] = dini_Float(file, "Car X");
			HouseInfo[h][CarY] = dini_Float(file, "Car Y");
			HouseInfo[h][CarZ] = dini_Float(file, "Car Z");
			HouseInfo[h][CarRot] = dini_Float(file, "Car Rotation");
			if(HouseInfo[h][Rentable] == 0)
				format(str, sizeof(str), "Name: %s\n\nDescription: %s\n\nOwner: %s", name, desc, pname);
			    format(str, sizeof(str), "Name: %s\n\nDescription: %s\n\nOwner: %s\n\nRent Price: $%i", name, desc, pname, HouseInfo[h][RentPrice]);
			HouseLabel[playerid] = Create3DTextLabel(str, 0xF97804FF, HouseInfo[h][PX], HouseInfo[h][PY], HouseInfo[h][PZ], 20.0, 0);
			HouseOwner[playerid] = true;
			HousePickup[playerid] = CreatePickup(1273, 23, HouseInfo[h][PX], HouseInfo[h][PY], HouseInfo[h][PZ]);
			HouseUser[playerid] = playerid;
			for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
			    SetPlayerMapIcon(i, HouseUser[playerid], HouseInfo[h][CarX], HouseInfo[h][CarY], HouseInfo[h][CarZ], 31, MAPICON_GLOBAL);
			return 1;

Try to turn anticheat off.

Did it happens when you restart ur server by closing samp-server.exe and then re-opening samp-server.exe?

yes it does

"Try to turn anticheat off. "

doesnґt work

If you close the SA-MP server, then re-open, this will happen. Instead of closing to test a new update, use /rcon gmx or type gmx into the console window.

Are you sure you have define correct your SERVER_VERSION varible ?

Are sure you define both 0.3x versions - 0.3x and 0.3x R1-2?

Better check how you use GetPlayerVersion !

Okay I forgot to write 0.3x in my SERVER_Version. I tried 0.3x and 0.3x-R1-2 but it donґt work. What to write in?

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