Getting confused with something on the gate system

Hello guys,

Well,i found this gate system,but as you can see the gate object is "980".Well,its a huge gate,so i decided to use the object "969".As you can see on the filescript instructions,

I placed +1.5 so the object 980 adjusts to the floor, if you don't use 980 and the object isn't adjusted to the floor, try adding or removing meters in coords Z of the object.

I "commented" the +1.5 and now it looks like this:
PHP код:
GateInfo[i][gZ] = z//+1.5; // comment the +1.5 if you're not using object 980. 
But,I cant see the gate.Since my computer is the worst you can ever have,i cant open and restart the server all the time cause its gonna get screwed.

Can you please explain me how can I fix this?

Best regards,

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