Problems with gates

When I do the /gate command, the gates don't open. They don't even move. They're the toll-booth barriers..

CreateObject(2920, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 0.00, 0.00, 89.94);

CreateObject(2920, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, -90.60, 360.06, 89.94);

pawn Код:
new PDGate1

forward PDGateMove();

command(gate, playerid, params[])
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 25.0, 1531.2126,-1603.6033,13.3828))
        if(Player[playerid][Faction] == 1)
            if(GateOpen == 0)
                MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 89.94); // /gate opens the gate
                GateOpen = 1;
                MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 2.0, -90.60, 360.06, 89.94); // /gate closes the gate
                GateOpen = 0;
        return 1;

stock LoadObjects() // loads the gate in the CLOSED position
    // SCPD Gates
    PDGate1 = CreateObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);
    return 1;

public PDGateMove() // moves the gate to the OPEN position when player does /gate
    MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,0.00,0.00,89.94);
    return 1;

TRY Extending far the radius of your location and check the command
and the gate id or object id that ya gaveit

All the gate ID's/object ID's and the radius are fine. It was opening yesterday, but the problem was that the gate didn't close, now the problem is that it won't open.

This will help you with so much. even gates.'

EDIT: Download V1.1.0 it's the only one that has gates

There's only a download for v.1.1.1

& using this just throws up 1,000,000,1 compiling errors

PDGate1 = CreateObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);

replace it with:

PDGate1 = CreateDynamicObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);

first here is what I do... It can be done in other ways also.

first, creating the variable for the gate...

new gate1;
new gate2;
The creating the object(gate)

public OnFilterScriptInit()/public OnGameModeInit()
	gate1 = CreateObject(2927,215.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(a51_blastdoorr) (D)
	gate2 = CreateObject(2929,211.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(a51_blastdoorl) (D)
Then the command to open the gate(please note that when you do it this way you must use different commands for every gate)

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/hopen", cmdtext, true, 6) == 0) // The /open command
		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, 213.8570,1875.4865,13.1470))
			MoveObject(gate1, 219.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);
			MoveObject(gate2, 207.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);
		return 1;
Then, if you want, a command to close the gate, or you can make a timer to close it.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/hclose", cmdtext, true, 7) == 0)// The /close command
		if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, 213.8570,1875.4865,13.1470))
			MoveObject(gate1, 215.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);// Moving the gate
			MoveObject(gate2, 211.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);// Moving the gate
		return 1;

You cant move dynamic objects with Moveobject, You need MoveDynamicObject for that.
And vice versa ofcourse.

I had that with MoveObject. Solution for me was to add a 0.000001 to the Z coordinate (so not the rotation!). Ofcourse retract it again when you close it else the gate will start to float after a lot of times.

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