Problems with gates -
Luke_James - 28.08.2012
When I do the /gate command, the gates don't open. They don't even move. They're the toll-booth barriers..
CreateObject(2920, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 0.00, 0.00, 89.94);
CreateObject(2920, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, -90.60, 360.06, 89.94);
pawn Код:
new PDGate1
forward PDGateMove();
command(gate, playerid, params[])
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 25.0, 1531.2126,-1603.6033,13.3828))
if(Player[playerid][Faction] == 1)
if(GateOpen == 0)
MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 89.94); // /gate opens the gate
GateOpen = 1;
MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39, -1602.27, 13.27, 2.0, -90.60, 360.06, 89.94); // /gate closes the gate
GateOpen = 0;
return 1;
stock LoadObjects() // loads the gate in the CLOSED position
// SCPD Gates
PDGate1 = CreateObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);
return 1;
public PDGateMove() // moves the gate to the OPEN position when player does /gate
MoveDynamicObject(PDGate1, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,0.00,0.00,89.94);
return 1;
Re: Problems with gates -
RicaNiel - 28.08.2012
TRY Extending far the radius of your location and check the command
and the gate id or object id that ya gaveit
Re: Problems with gates -
Luke_James - 28.08.2012
All the gate ID's/object ID's and the radius are fine. It was opening yesterday, but the problem was that the gate didn't close, now the problem is that it won't open.
Re: Problems with gates -
_Khaled_ - 28.08.2012
This will help you with so much. even gates.'
EDIT: Download V1.1.0 it's the only one that has gates
Re: Problems with gates -
Luke_James - 28.08.2012
There's only a download for v.1.1.1
Re: Problems with gates -
Luke_James - 28.08.2012
& using this just throws up 1,000,000,1 compiling errors
Re: Problems with gates -
avivelkayam - 28.08.2012
PDGate1 = CreateObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);
replace it with:
PDGate1 = CreateDynamicObject(2920, 1534.39,-1602.27,13.27,-90.60,360.06,89.94);
Re: Problems with gates -
Hyperfire - 28.08.2012
first here is what I do... It can be done in other ways also.
first, creating the variable for the gate...
new gate1;
new gate2;
The creating the object(gate)
public OnFilterScriptInit()/public OnGameModeInit()
gate1 = CreateObject(2927,215.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(a51_blastdoorr) (D)
gate2 = CreateObject(2929,211.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000); //object(a51_blastdoorl) (D)
Then the command to open the gate(please note that when you do it this way you must use different commands for every gate)
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/hopen", cmdtext, true, 6) == 0) // The /open command
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, 213.8570,1875.4865,13.1470))
MoveObject(gate1, 219.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);
MoveObject(gate2, 207.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);
return 1;
Then, if you want, a command to close the gate, or you can make a timer to close it.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/hclose", cmdtext, true, 7) == 0)// The /close command
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5, 213.8570,1875.4865,13.1470))
MoveObject(gate1, 215.92999390,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);// Moving the gate
MoveObject(gate2, 211.85000732,1875.50000000,13.89999962, 1);// Moving the gate
return 1;
Re: Problems with gates -
RedFusion - 28.08.2012
You cant move dynamic objects with Moveobject, You need MoveDynamicObject for that.
And vice versa ofcourse.
Re: Problems with gates -
mamorunl - 28.08.2012
I had that with MoveObject. Solution for me was to add a 0.000001 to the Z coordinate (so not the rotation!). Ofcourse retract it again when you close it else the gate will start to float after a lot of times.